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Gloval Village of Beijing (GVB)

About the partner:

1. Organization/Project Name

   Global Village of Beijing (GVB)

2. Brief Introduction of the Partner

The task of the Global Village of Beijing (GVB) is to advance sustainable development in China by creating community environmental awareness and enhancing public participation. GVB is dedicated to environmental education and civil society strengthening. GVB is advocating green lifestyle, media and community.

GVB’s environmental campaigns focus on the promotion of sustainable development and a green lifestyle. Its main functions include the production of environmental television programs and other publications, the organization of journalist trainings, the development of green communities, the organization of public events and forums and several other projects in the field of sustainable development and consumption.

Additionally, GVB has established a stable network of Chinese partner-NGOs and is constantly promoting communication between national and international partners, NGOs, corporations and public officials through forums, consultations and newsletters. GVB edits and distributes the monthly newsletters, and updates the website in Chinese and English to offer other NGOs a platform to express themselves, to facilitate the communication of environmental messages, and to support networking and capacity building in partner organizations.

GVB’s current projects include Voices of Grassroots (Chinese and English magazines), Green Community, Green Energy on Clean Electronic Power and Sustainable Energy Journalist Forum, Recycling Economy on “Dragon Recycling” (cartridges recycling) and Rubbish Classification, Prevention and Treatment of Mercury Pollution, Green Angels (environmental eduction for youth groups), Green Trains (environmental publicity in trains and buses), various documentary movies and published books, international communication, Training Center, as well as Corporate Social Responsibility and its follow-up events.

GVB’s office is located in ChaoYang District of eastern Beijing and currently has 25 office staff and over 1000 officially registered volunteers in its grassroots network. GVB's founder and president is Ms. Sheri Liao (Liao Xiaoyi), who graduated from the Zhongshan University in 1986 with a Doctorate degree in Philosophy. After working at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, she was a visiting scholar in Environmental Politics at the University of North Carolina. Committed to developing environmental education in China, she returned to Beijing to found GVB in 1996.

3.      Roles and Activities as a Member of the Yellow Sea Partnership

As a member of Yellow Sea Partnership (YSP), GVB involves into joint activities for general public awareness and education with other organizations and programmes.

GVB will attend and organize various environmental activities, including journalist forums and on-the-site investigations, outside and inside activities (such as arts performances etc.), on-the-spot publicities in communities, training workshops, web site publicities, documentary movies, TV programs and other publications (such as magazines and newsletters), as well as other types of publicity which target news media, the general public, youth groups as well as many other organizations and enterprises.

GVB is a member of the Yellow Sea Partnership currently and will positively participate in and support joint activities under the partnership.

4.      Contact Information

Global Village of Beijing (GVB)

Address: Room 301, C Building, Huazhan International Department, No.12, Yumin

Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Tel: +86-10-8225 2046/2047

Fax: +86-10-8225 2045



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