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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “THE CASPIAN – LEGAL ISSUES” was held in Moscow, 26-27 February 2002. The legal status of the Caspian Sea, legal regulation of monitoring and environmental protection, development of mineral and biological resources, and navigation were the main themes of the meeting. The official position of Russia was expressed by Special representative for the President RF Viktor Kalyuzhny, the concept implies division of the sea bottom with concurrent possession of the states on the Caspian waters. Another concept - dividing shares in proportion to the respective coastal line of each country; according to this division the share of Azerbaijan will be the least. Despite certain disagreements on this issue, the littoral countries are common in their opinion that the decision on the Caspian status should be reached urgently; it is closely connected with further activities and investments in oil exploration and development. Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Mehdi Safari declared that the Government of I.R.I. will not permit the international companies develop the natural wealth of the sea until its legal status is reconciled.

In the opinion of Viktor Kalyuzhny, among the pressing problems to be decided jointly by the Caspian countries are conservation and management of unique Caspian bioresources. Russia proposed establishment of Center for environmental monitoring of the Caspian Sea, which should include the interests of all riparian countries. The scientists and environmental organizations are deeply concerned that the Caspian is probable to become an area of environmental disaster due to the lack of proper control.
Sources: BBC, 26 February 2002


BAKU, 7 FEBRUARY, AZER-PRESS. The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources set up a marine hydrometeorology center at its national hydrometeorology service. The deputy head of the national service Zakir Abbasov says that the new center is a major data bank, which holds the survey information covering the Caspian Sea and will be updated constantly.

The center is devised to maintain prompt exchange of the relevant information between the littoral states and also with the inter-state ocean studies commission. In addition, the center will elaborate and carry into life regional and international marine protection programmes', said Zakir Abbasov.

In the more distant future, the research to be launched by the center will play a major part in forming the National Oceanography Commission. There are several meteorological stations in use on the Caspian right now, including those situated in the Oily Rocks oil field and on the Chilov and Khara-Zirya isles.

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources established two river Kura research and study stations recently; one station is located near the river-mouth in Neftchala, and the other one is in Minghechavir, and studies also lakes and Kura's tributaries.

'We now can monitor and study the whole of river Kura, its estuary and the soils', Zakir Abbasov remarked.
Source: PPA Azerbaijan


  1. The NSAP workshop in Kazakhstan
  2. The PIPP presentations in Kazakhstan
  3. Are Kazakhstani Students involved into Caspian environmental issues?

1. The NSAP workshop in Kazakhstan
In the framework of Caspian Environment Programme (CEP) in 28th of February the NSAP workshop was held in Atyrau, Kazakhstan, with participation of CEP Deputy Coordinator, Environmental Economist Mr. H.Ghaffarzadeh, and experts of NSAP Team in Kazakhstan. The workshop brought together representatives of local state authorities (Atyrau Oblast Akimat), in particular, the Head of Oblast Department of oil and gas complex, external economic affairs and investment policy Mr. M.Ahmedzhanov, the Deputy Director of Environment Protection and Nature Resourse Using Department Ms.K.Naukenova, the Director of state “Laboratory on Environment Protection” Ms. G.Umbetalieva, the representatives of private sector – the oil and gas Co’s, such as “TCO”, “Agip” and “Kazakhoilemba” and the representatives of public organizations and NGO’s.

The NSAP Team Leader in Kazakhstan presented an overview of contents and scope of NSAP, as well as the component PIPP for the public. During the meeting there were specific recommendations and viewpoints were expressed to be reflected in the Plan.

The main goal of the meeting was to review the preparation status of draft NSAP and address current problems in region.
Source: PPA Kazakhstan

2. The PIPP presentations in Kazakhstan
The “Priority Investment Project Portfolio” (PIPP) - the Worlds Bank’s activity in CEP, which is aimed to support sustainable development and environmental management in the Caspian region and consists of such component as the Matched Small Grants Program (MSGP). In March 1, the PIPP was presented in Atyrau oblast, Kz. The PIPP, as one of effective results/ efforts/inputs important for the CEP to be integrated into the NSAP. The presentation brought together a number of people is related to environment as being a part of social in Kazakhstani coastal region such as governmental officials/representatives, whose involvement and support is one of main conditions to be marked as high priority problem, foreign Co’s, operating in this region, scientific institutions, who are actively addressing environmental problems of the region and local NGO’s. More attention was paid to the MSGP, by the reason of forthcoming second round and a number of projects of actual interest. The same presentation has to be held in Aktau, the center of the second coastal region in Kazakhstan.
Source: PPA Kazakhstan

3. Are Kazakhstani Students involved into Caspian environmental issues?
One more meeting took place in Atyrau, Kazakhstan on March, 1. The Deputy Coordinator, Environmental Economist, Mr. Hamid Ghaffarzadeh met with 3-4year students of Applied Ecology Faculty and Ichthyology Faculty/Department of the Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute. The lecture has an informational context about the CEP activity. The students were interested what measures do the CEP taken in respect to such important issue as prevention of water pollution and if the only solution in protection Caspian from Mnemiopsis the introduction of Beroe is this solution accepted to.

The important fact to notice is that students are active members of local ecological NGO’s, who involve in process of increasing the public awareness on environment issues. It makes us to believe that growing generation is ready to protect the Caspian.



1. MID-MARCH 2002, AN INTERNATIONAL CRUISE TO THE CASPIAN will start from Astrakhan. Its primary goal is stock assessment of sturgeon species in the Caspian Sea. Director of CaspNIRKh, Dr. Mark Karpyuk briefed on the objectives and details of the expedition, which is organized upon the initiative of the Russian Federation and completely supported by the other Caspian littoral states. The concept of the Russian party implies conducting comprehensive studies of the Caspian sturgeons in 4 stages: spring (March- April), summer (July-August), autumn (October-November) and, tentatively, winter surveys. During the winter season of 2001-2002, preliminary expedition, which aimed sturgeon stock assessment in the North Caspian, was carried out after a decade's intermission. Two vessels are involved in data collection, "Issledovatel Kaspiya" along the coasts of Turkmenistan, I.R. Iran, and Azerbaijan,and "Sebex" – at Kazakhstan coasts, in the North Caspian and the western part of the Middle Caspian. Initial data will be processed directly on board of research vessels, post-cruise processing and analysis of information is to be completed at the institute.

Representatives from all riparian countries take part in the surveys and data processing. Provisional results will be forwarded to the relevant organizations of the Caspian countries and upon concluding the Summary Report will be submitted to government bodies, CITES, and other concerned international agencies.

2. EACH RUSSIAN FISHING VESSEL AND FISH-PRODUCER including those active at the Caspian is subjected to registration upon certain number, which will onwards mark their production. This decision was adopted at the session of State Fisheries Committee RF dedicated to the issues of quality and safety of fish products. The rule is envisaged under the regulation “On the Order of Sectoral Registration of Fish-processing Enterprises and Vessels” to be considered by RF Government in April 2002. This measure is supposed to enhance control on illegal fishing and fish-processing as well as to regulate monitoring of raw resources and production courses.?
Source: RIA AVERS, 4 February

3. Following decision taken by Russian Federal Border Service 17-TH DETACHED SUBDIVISION FOR MARITIME PATROL from Astrakhan was acknowledged the best in Russia. Deputy Director of FBS, Vice-Admiral Valery Logvinenko stated that such resolution was adopted with regard to activities of 17-th Subdivision on protection of marine bioresources apart from prevention of smuggling and illicit migration. Protection of Russian marine borders at the Caspian is currently of great concern, and according to “Marine Doctrine of Russia” maritime border service is assigned specific importance in safeguarding economic interests of the country in this region.
Source: RIA AVERS, 13 February

4. NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE COURSE OF RUSSIAN-IRANIAN COOPERATION ON FISHERIES are the purpose of the visit of Russian delegation to Islamic Republic of Iran, 14-18 February 2002. The following issues will be discussed:

  • Signing “Agreement on Conservation of Biological Resources of the Caspian sea and Their Management”;
  • Participation of I.R.I. in the work of Commission ob Aquatic Bioresources of the Caspian Sea;
  • Establishment of Caspian marine inspection to control upon removal of aquatic bioresources as well as the number and quality of hatchery-released fingerlings;
  • Exchange information on the status of sturgeon reproduction in 2001, discuss feasible ways of its development;
  • Exchange information on results of All-Caspian Sea expedition;
  • Other problems related to the status of sturgeon populations and fishing quotas of the countries.

Governments of RF and I.R.I. signed Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of fisheries in May 1996. Within the framework of intergovernmental Agreement joint research is conducted: stock assessment of sturgeons and sprats, hydrobiological studies, investigation of pollution in the Caspian Sea. At present, the parties are concerned with drastic degradation of the Caspian bioresources.
Source: State Committee for Fisheries RF, Press-service, 13 February 2002


1. Monitoring of active zones in the Caspian Sea
The Caspian Marine Scientific Research Center, a coordinator and scientific leader of national and production programs on environment monitoring in the Caspian Sea, announces launching of the new project - “Monitoring of Active Zones in the Caspian Sea”. The project’s main objective is to obtain reliable information about state of marine environment and biological communities in permanent dynamic zones (zones of mixing, convergence, divergence, upwelling, down-welling, cyclone and anticyclone circulation of water), which are very important in ecosystem functioning, regulation of pollution level and formation of biological productivity in the Caspian Sea.

At the first project stage, the emphasis will be laid on active zones located near the areas of hydrocarbon search, exploration, and mining. Data obtained will meet the standard information requirements at national and international levels used in environment impact assessment for oil and gas mining. Only specialized and accredited laboratories would be involved in carrying out the analysis. Information obtained as a result of monitoring will be presented in full to all organizations (national, non-governmental, commercial) that paid their shares.

For further information please contact us:
Russia, 414045, Astrakhan,
Shiryaeva st. 14, KaspMNIC
Tel +8512 30 34 70
Fax +8512 30 34 70
Email: kaspmniz@astranet.ru
Sergei Monakhov, Director of KaspMNIC

The International Council for Oil and Environment (ICOE) which is a non-governmental organisation registered in the UK is currently seeking a partner in Kazakhstan and other Caspian countries to apply for a joint funding to carry out a project related to environmental management practice.
For more information please contact:
Liazzat Rabbiosi

490 Gorgie Road
Edinburgh, UK
Tel: 44 (0131) 444 0474
Fax: 44 (0131) 444 0472

In this email is the following information:

OneFish is a new online database and directory providing access to a wide range of information for the fisheries and aquatic research and development sector, including to more that 6000 fisheries project records. OneFish has been developed by SIFAR - the Support unit for International Fisheries and Aquatic Research (SIFAR), a donor* funded organization based in the Fisheries Department of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome. oneFish is free to use, regularly updated, and provides users with the opportunity to contribute - `publish' - their own information online. Donor organizations can become `Stakeholders' in SIFAR and oneFish by contributing to the ongoing development of OneFish and supporting the activities of SIFAR in facilitating fisheries and aquatic research and development projects.

You are invited to read the information below and to look at the OneFish site at: http://www.onefish.org

For more information about SIFAR, go to: http://www.sifar.org or write to

Joan Baron Varley
Chief Editor and Information Manager
oneFish Community Directory Project
Support unit for International Fisheries
and Aquatic Research - SIFAR
c/o FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla
Rome 00100, Italy
Tel: 00 39 06 570 54059
Fax: 00 39 06 570 56500
Email: joan.baron@fao.org

Scientific-Industrial Center of Research
Scientific-Industrial Center of Research and Governance of Beach-forming Processes "SAKNAPIRDATSVA" (Georgian Coastal Protection) would like to inform you that our organization for 20 years is working on the issues of engineering protection of Black Sea coasts and river-banks of Georgia. Skills of the staff and facilities of the organization enable to
carry out research as well as project-design coast protective works.

We are currently looking for partners and interested organizations in order to take part in the Swiss Transborder Program of Grants.

For last 5 years SIC "SAKNAPIRDATSVA" has accomplished several important projects:

  • Design and construction of the wall in Batumi protecting r. Chorokhi system against pollution caused by waste;
  • "Integrated Management of Municipal Water Resources" – The Project of The World Bank and Government of Netherlands (grant);
  • Research and design of the coastal zone at the Georgia Guard Station in Supsa.Contractor-American Embassy;
  • Project of the protection of the coastal zone at the vicinity of the Supsa-Baku oil pipeline office in Georgia. Contractor-International oil company;
  • Oceanographic survey of the water area of Supsa pipeline.
  • Project to carry out measures for the deepening of water area of Poti military port;
  • Expert evaluation and recommendations for construction of oil port in at the river-mouth of r. Khobi;
  • Joint work of Georgian and Turkish specialists on the issue of prospective negative impact on the r. Chorokhi and coastal Zone of Batumi as well, caused by construction of dams in Turkey.


Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia: Some of the major activities of the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC), established by the resolution of the governments of the five Central Asian countries with the assistance of the European Commission, are to provide support to the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the Central Asian region, to promote cooperation between the governments, local authorities, NGOs and businesses, to develop and deliver training and grant programs.

In accordance with its objectives, the CAREC has developed its Grant Program 2002 designed to support environmental projects and initiatives of public organizations and individuals interested in improving the environment. The CAREC is hopeful that this support will increase the number and the capacity of environmental NGOs and provide a better opportunity for the community to be actively involved in decision-making. The Grant Program 2002 includes three types of grants:

Transborder grants are to promote cooperation between NGOs of the CA region in addressing the regional priorities of environmental protection and sustainable development. An obligatory requirement of this category is joint project implementation by several NGOs from at least two countries of the region. The grant size is up to 10,000 US dollars. Special grants are designed to fund the priority environmental and SD problems in the CA region. Both registered NGOs and initiative groups with project implementation experience can apply for the program. The grant size is up to 5,000 US dollars. Themes of competitions for 2002:

  • "Agenda 21. Community input into the dissemination of ideas of sustainable development in the region"
  • "Water saving and energy efficiency"

The complete language of the CAREC's GP Guidelines will be posted on the web site: http://www.carec.kz. Detailed information about the call for proposals and the application deadlines will be provided additionally. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Grant Program Manager, Ms. Yelena Yerzakovich.
Contact information: 8 (3272) 292619, 296646 e-mail: lyerzakovich@carec.kz

A program of the Funding Exchange: Paul Robeson Fund supports media activism and grassroots organizing by local, state, national, and international organizations as well as individual media producers. Funding is offered to media artists whose works "reflect and comment upon society's ills while emphasizing the struggles to overcome them."

The Robeson Fund primarily supports pre-production and distribution costs of social issue films and videos, as well as all stages of radio programs. All genres are considered, so long as the program combines intellectual clarity with creative use of the medium in promoting social justice; will reach a broad audience with an organizing component; and can demonstrate how the production will be used for social change organizing.

The maximum grant amount is $15,000.

For more information please see: http://www.fex.org/2.3_grantmakingindex.html