UNIDO Caspian Pollution Report,1998


This program is based on the findings of a commission of experts who have investigated the status of industrial pollution in the five littoral countries of the Caspian : Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan in 1996 and 1997.

The members of the commission were:

Dr. A. M. Amirkhanov, UNIDO National Coordinator
National Coordinator of the Russian UNIDO National Coordinator Federation on Environmental Problems of the Caspian and Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environment Protection

Dr. Yuri Fedorov, UNIDO National Expert
Head of the Center for Ecological Monitoring of the Ministry for Utilization of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan

Dr. Seyd Mehti Borghei, UNIDO National Expert
President of GESCO Water & Waste Water Engineering in Tehran, Iran

Mr. Rauf Muradov UNIDO National Coordinator
Chairman of the Department of Ecological Expertise and International Relations of the State Committee Azerbaijan for Ecology

Mr. Asad Kazimov, UNIDO National Expert
Chairman of the Town Committee of Baku, Azerbaijan, for Ecology and Nature Utilization Control

Mr. Mamed Suleiman Mamedov, UNIDO National Expert
Chairman of the Ecological Committee of the City of Sumgait, Azerbaijan

Dr. Nurlan Sirazhev, UNIDO National Expert
Expert for Ecology, Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan

Dr. Richard Temsch, UNIDO International Expert and Project Leader
President of The Missing Link International Consulting Corporation, San Francisco, USA

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Section 11

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Theme for Effective Regional Assessment of Contaminant Levels
Department of the Environment (DOE), Marine Environment Bureau
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