UNIDO Caspian Pollution Report,1998



The environmental protection policy of Azerbaijan has been outlined in the "Ecological Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan " prepared by the State Committee for Ecology (Goscomecology). This concept is based on corroborated ecological safety principles envisaged in the resolutions of the Conference "Agenda for the XXI century" held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

The national environmental concept of Azerbaijan is aimed at improving the ecological situation in the country.

Following guidelines are part of the concept:

  • Biospheric protection
  • Cautious use of natural resources
  • Recycling and waste reduction
  • Rational use of energy
  • Decrease of anthropogenic risk factors

To realize these efforts a National Plan of Actions for Environmental Protection (NEAP) is being now prepared with the assistance of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The NEAP is based on the National Concept of Actions for the Environmental Protection, the resolutions of the UN Conference in Rio.

Structure of State Bodies for Environmental Protection Monitoring

The Republic of Azerbaijan is a unitary state which is divided into 67 administrative territorial regions. The Karabakh region and the enclave Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. Azerbaijan borders on Turkey, Iran, Armenia, Georgia and the Russian Federation. The capital and administrative center of the country is Baku.

Azerbaijan is a secular republic with a president as head of state. Each of the 67 municipal and regional entities has a regional executive body. The local executive bodies deal with all the economic and social problems on their territory. The largest administrative centers are Baku, Sumgait, Gendja, Ali-Bayramli, Mingechevir, Gazakh, Salyani and some others. The Autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan is an inalienable part of Azerbaijan and has its respective administrative bodies.

The Cabinet of Ministers governs the state and the national economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, consisting of ministers, state committees and state concerns.

The State Committee on Ecology (Goscomecology) is directly subordinated to the President of Azerbaijan. It is the country’s administrative body for environmental protection. Goscomecology consists of the central administration, 3 special, 26 territorial, municipal, interregnal and regional ecological committees, 14 state reserves and 20 protected zones (zakazniks). Goscomecology establishes and maintains the norms and requirements for environmental protection according to the "Law on the Protection of Nature" of the Republic of Azerbaijan, adopted in 1992.

Environmental monitoring is carried out by the State Committee for Hydrometeorology and by Goscomecology, the local monitoring by the companies that utilize natural resources.

The State Committee for Ecology has to:

  • formulate and pursue the ecological state policy
  • recommend actions for environmental protection
  • provide ecological expertise for new and existing industrial projects
  • close temporarily or fully industrial plants, which do not meet the requirements of the natural protection laws
  • inspect the operating industrial plants
  • issue licenses for operation of production lines and for waste disposal
  • stop projects under construction in case of violations

Local (regional and municipal) committees for ecology are under direct supervision of Goscomecology. The local bodies exercise state control over the environment on the whole supervised territory.

The Reserve Fund for the Protection of Nature of Azerbaijan has been established under the supervision of the State Ecological Committee on the basis of penalties and fees charged for environmental damages as well as payments for natural resources utilization.


Addresses of Organizations and Authorities Concerned with the Environment of the Caspian in Azerbaijan

Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Parliamentary Commission for Social Issues

Mr. Soltan I. Mamedov
President of the Commission
Parlamentski pr. 1
Tel. 93 06 64, Fax 98 97 22

Cabinet of Ministers
Mr. Artur T. Rasi-Zade
Prime Minister
ul. Lermontova 68
Tel. 92 56 13, Fax 92 91 79

State Committee for Statistics
Mr. Mikhail A. Veliev
ul. Inshatshilar 1
Tel. 38 11 71, Fax 38 05 77

State Committee for Geology and Mineral Resources
Mr. Ekrem Mhekinski. S
ul. B. Ageeva 100a
Tel. 38 54 54, Fax 39 84 32

State Committee for Mining
Mr. Salman A. Ragimov
ul. Sameda Vurguna
Tel. 94 12 77

State Committee for Geodesy and Cartography
Mr. Sultan A. Sultanov
Kvartal 3123, 7th Mikroraion, proezd 1604, building 11
Tel. 62 8821, Fax 61 84 00

State Committee for Land Use
Mr. A. G. Veliev
First Deputy Chief of Committee
ul. Kurbanova 4
Tel. 94 29 34

State Committee for Melioration and Water Economy
Mr. Djuma A. Ahmed-Zade
Government Building
Tel. 93 61 54, Fax 93 1176

Ministry of Public Health
Mr. Ali B. Insanov
ul. Kichik Denis
Tel. 93 29 77, Fax 98 85 59

Ministry of Economy
Mr. Samed Sadykhov
Government Building
Tel. 93 69 20, Fax 93 65 63

Ministry of Agriculture
Mr. Irshad A. Aliev
ul. Kurbanova 4
Tel. 94 53 55, Fax 94 35 18

Academy of Sciences
Mr. Eldar Y. Salaev
ul. Isteglaliat 10
Tel. 92 35 29,Fax 92 56 99

Institute for Geography
Mr. Budag A. Budagov
Prospekt Guseina Djavida 31
Tel. 39 35 41

State Concern “Azerbalyg”
Mr. M. S. Mamedov
Director General
ul. Geidarova 27
Tel. 66 33 04

Azerbaijanian National Space Agency
Mr. Arif S. Mehtiev
Director General
Prospekt Svobody 159
Tel. 62 93 87, Fax 62 17 38

Institute of Botany
Mr. Vakhid D. Gadjiev
Patamdarskoe shosse 40
Tel. 39 32 30

Institute of Zoology
Mr. Musa A. Musaev
Tel. 39 73 37

Scientific Research Institute for Technical Information
Mr. Dj. M. Mehtiev
Tel. 93 33 41

Institute for Environmental Protection and Rational Utilization of Natural Resources,
Baku State University

Mr. Shovgi Y. Geichaily
Tel. 39 09 69

Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology
Mr. Sultan A. Velibekov
Director General
ul. Djafara Djabarli 34
Tel. 94 70 12, Fax 94 78 46

State Committee for Hydrometeorology
Mr. Zulfugar F. Musaev
ul. Karganova 3
Tel. 93 21 94


Addresses of Organizations and Authorities Concerned with the Environment of the Caspian in Iran

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The ministry of foreign affairs represents Iran in the international community and it is thus mandated to supervise the international cooperation activities between the Iranian organizations and their international partners. The ministry is also the focal point for UNDP as a major partner in GEF (Global Environmental Facility). The ministry has recently recognized its Department of International Specialized Agencies to allow for the creation of a special unit that exclusively deals with environmental issues. This department is in charge of coordination of all technical assistance. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a founding member of the Organization for the Cooperation of the Caspian . A meeting took place in Tehran in 1996 with no clear outcome.

Mr. Pyrooz Hoseyni, Director
Economic Specialized Agencies
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic Of Iran
Mr. Pyrooz Hoseyni's assistants are Mr. Salamat and Mr. Fadaii.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
No. 8, West Building, Foroughi Ave.
Tel : 390191, Fax : 674176

Department of Environment

The Department of Environment is the principal authority for setting environmental standards and regulations, promotion of environmental education, conducting environmental research and supervising conservation. In addition, it serves as a coordinator among the other ministries, which are charged with specific aspects of environmental management. The DOE represents Iran in a number of international environmental conventions such as the Montreal Protocol and the Basal convention. The Department of Environment is headed by Dr. Manafi. The Marine Environment Department is headed by Mr. Hosseyni, who reports to Dr. Manafi and Mr. Moharamnejad. Dr. Abbaspour who is the head of the faculty of environment of Azad University is delegated by Dr. Manafi to advise on Marine environment.

The Department of Environment has one sampling and laboratory station in Anzali (Gilan) and another in Chalus (Mazandaran). So far very little information has been published. There is concern about the problem of euthrophication in Anzali wetlands. Therefore, the station measures the nutrients in that area systematically.

The results show that the concentration of Nitrogen and Phosphorous has been growing in the past five years in Anzali wetlands. This is the cause of bloom of algae in the wetlands.

Mr. A. Hoseini
Director of Marine Environment of the D.O.E.
Shahid Nejatollahi Street
Tel : 897223 Fax : 897223


Ministry of Energy

The Ministry of Energy deals with production of electricity, water resources and water treatment and distribution. It is the owner and operator of steam and hydraulic power plants and a major consumer of fossil based fuel. Its policies and activities are a major source of greenhouse gases in Iran. It is also responsible for some of the activities pertaining to the Caspian . The Ministry of Energy has established contacts with Russia to study water level fluctuations.

The deputy minister for water affairs is Mr. Vakili.

Mr. Vakili or Mr. Memary
Ministry of Energy
North Palestine St.
Tel : 880 1661 Fax : 8801661

or : Mr. Sahranavard 7th floor (Department of National Rivers and Coasts Engineering)

Mr. Manoochehri is deputy minister for water and wastewater treatment and distribution (same address).


Ministry of the Interior

The Ministry of the Interior in its capacity as the custodian of municipalities plays an important role in the implementation of spatial and housing policies. Activities of this ministry affect the ecosystem in various ways.


Mr. Jazayeri
Director of the Disaster Task Force
Ministry of Interior, 6th floor
Dr. Fatemi Ave.
Tel : 658024 Fax : 657699 - 61312166


Ministry of Agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for agricultural production. Its domain covers management of farming and related activities such as extension services, agricultural research, land use planning, small earth dams, irrigation canals and pest and fertilizer production and distribution. The Ministry is quite aware of its pivotal role for the protection of the environment and has already established a unit that deals with Sustainable Agriculture Development.

Dr. Miri is the Head of the International Specialized agency of Ministry of Agriculture.

Dr. Miri
Ministry of Agriculture Building, 17th Floor
Keshavarz Blvd.
Tel : 650284 Fax : 650272


Ministry of Petroleum

The domain of this ministry covers production, transport, refinery and distribution of oil and gas. Its activities have significant consequences for the production of greenhouse gases. The ship reception facilities and offshore production installations of the ministry also contribute to the pollution of international waters.

Mr. Zaheri
Head of the International Department
Ministry of Petroleum, No. 125
Zafar Street
Tel : 2009633, 2009649 Fax : 2220149


Ports and Shipping Organization

The Ports and Shipping Organization is the maritime administration of Iran. Among other things it is responsible for the control of ships. It also acts as an roof organization for the commercial ports. Furthermore, the Ports and Shipping Organization is responsible for the provision of reception facilities for ship generated waste in these ports.

Mr. Rajai is the of the Ports and Shipping Organization.

Mr. Rajai
Head of the International Department
Ports and Shipping Organization
Engelab Street
Tel : 834099 Fax: 837041


Fishery Organization

The Fishery organization is responsible for all fishing activities in the Iranian part of the Caspian and of the Persian Gulf. It is hence directly involved in the issues of the Caspian and has already been affected by its problems.

The, of the Fisheries Organization is Dr. Tokhmafshan.

Dr. Tokhmafshan
Deputy Head of Research
Fishery Organization
43 Zafar Street
Tel : 8089069 Fax : 227 3365

Dr. Amini
Director of Iranian Fishery Research and Training Organization (IFRTO)
Tel 808 9069, Fax 227 3365
43 Zafar Street, Tehran

The Iranian Fishery Research and Training Organization (I.F.R.T.O) has several sampling stations along the coastline. They mainly concentrate on fish samples rather than on pollution factors. The results have not been published on a regular basis so for, but I.F.R.T.O has a regular publication.


Ministry of Jihad (Construction Crusade)

The management of most natural resources is the domain of the Ministry of Construction Crusade, commonly referred to as Jihad. Started as a revolutionary mass participatory movement following the revolution of 1979 Jihad had now been structured as traditional ministry involved in management of forests, range land and fisheries. The management of forests along with the protection of biodiversity and the preservation of forests is the main function of a department within the Ministry referred to as the Forestry Organization.

The adviser to the Forestry Organization is Mr. Nikpay.

The head of Forestry research Center is Dr. Jaafari

Forestry Organization
Lashkarak Road
Tel : 6490173 - 6490324
Fax : 6491501


Meteorological Organization

The Meteorological Organization is affiliated with the Ministry of Road and Transportation which is the central authority for drafting and implementing air, , rail and road transport policies. The choice of routes and sites for roads, ports terminals and airports also impact the protection of biodiversity and pollution of international waters. The Meteorological Organization is the focal point for WMO in Iran.

Mr. Noorian
Head of the Meteorological Organization
Meteorological Organization
Azadi Square
Tel : 275887


National Center For Oceanography

The National Center for Oceanography was established in 1992 and is involved in marine research. Its research activities cover most of the Iranian water bodies including the Caspian .

Dr. Shahram Partoviyan.
Deputy Head of Research
National Center for Oceanography, Tehran, Tel : 6416556 Fax : 6419978


Atomic Energy Organization

The Iranian Atomic Energy Organization act as the coordinator for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Iran. The Atomic Energy Organization has set up a monitoring center for radio activity in water. No result has yet been published.

Dr. Olia
Supervisor for the Production of Radio Isotopes
Atomic Energy Organization (A.E.O.)
North Kargar Ave.
Tel : 8020887 Fax : 8006095


Ministry of Industry

The Ministry of Industry is responsible for the industrial development of the country. They set regulations on the type of industries which should be established and together with D.O.E. set standards for pollution discharge and other environmental standards. The ministry has an environment department.

Mr. Naji
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Industry
Nejatollahi Ave.
Tel; 894822 , Fax 890551

Mr. Akhoundzadeh
Director of the Gilan office
Tel : 23244

Mr. Zamani
Director of Mazand?ran Office
Tel : 45 567

Other private and governmental institutions, mainly academic organizations, have carried out research on different parameters , such as microbiological pollution, of water in West Mazandaran area (carried out by the Iranian Industrial and Scientific Research Center).

In response to a suggestion of the UNDP in March 1993 a Caspian Task Force was established to coordinate the activities. Members of the Force are the principal organization dealing with the Caspian.



The legislative power in the Republic is represented by the Parliament, which debates and ratifies the laws. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan takes decisions himself in some urgent cases. He can issue decrees. The executive power is with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Cabinet of Ministers has an environmental protection department.

The state functions of the environmental protection and natural resources use are divided between several ministries and committees. Each ministry has a subsidiary in each “oblast.”


Addresses of Organizations and Authorities Concerned with the Environment of the Caspian in Kazakhstan

Ministry of Ecology and Bioresources

  • Controls the observance of the environmental protection laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Issues yearly wastes allowances and regulates the disposal of hazardous substances

  • Assigns waste dumping sites

  • Evaluation the ecological impact of projects

  • Issues permissions for specific usage of surface water

  • Protects the resources of the fauna.

106 Panfilov street
480091 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phones: (3272) 631273 Fax: (3272) 635244/636973


Ministry of Geology and Protection of Mineral Resources

  • Registers the mineral resources controls their rational usage

  • Licenses explorations, investigations and depletion of mineral resources

  • Registers contracts for prospecting and depletion of mineral resources

  • Licenses the use of ground water.

85 Dostyk street
480100 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone:(3272) 635935 Fax:(3272) 611609


Ministry of Health

  • Regulates the control of public health and epidemics

Sets the pollution standards for air, soil and water.

Address: 63, Abylay Khan Avenue
480003 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: (3272) 334611 Fax:(3272) 331519


Ministry of Agriculture

  • Regulates the conditions of National Wildlife Refuges.

15, Republic Square
480091 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: (3272) 620878, Fax:(3272) 531377


Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry

  • Controls oil and gas production, oil and gas transport and refining.

142, Bogenbay Batyr Street
480091 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: (3272) 626080 Fax: (3272) 695405


State Committee for Extraordinary Situations

Coordinates aid and rescue measures in emergencies, such as natural disasters

300, Byezakov Street
480070 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone:(3272) 625363 Fax: (3272) 624317


Committee of Water Resources

  • Maintains and controls the distribution of drinking water


118 Zheltoksan Street
480091 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phones: (3272) 637601; 637770 Fax: (3272) 638336


Department of Hydrometeorology

Monitors the weather and environmental pollution

32, Abay Street
480072 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: (3272) 623980 Fax: (3272) 696500


Ministry of Industry and Trade

Manages all government controlled industries.

111, Gogol Street
480003 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Phone: (3272) 620603 Fax:(3272) 620836, 620806



This section contains information on the management structures and governmental bodies, responsible for the development and implementation of Russian national policy for environmental protection, as well as on public and other organizations.

The governmental organizations determining and implementing environmental policy of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection include the Committee of the State Duma for Ecology (Chairman - Tamara Vladimirovna Zlotnikova, tel. 292-61-08, 292-78-54, fax 292-60-20) and the Committee of the State Duma for Environment and Use of Natural Resources (Chairman - Alexei Yurievich Mikhailov, tel. 292-37-83, 292-18-94, fax 292-49-63). These organizations design the national policy for environmental protection and draft the corresponding legislation.


Addresses of Organizations and Authorities Concerned with the Environment of the Caspian in Russia

Department for the Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation

Head: Vladimir Mikhailovich Pitersky, tel. 205-86-25, 205-40-77

The department coordinates the work of environmental agencies.

The Resolution of the RF Government of September 22, 1993 “On Specially Authorized Bodies of the Russian Federation in the Field of Environmental Protection” establishes that ministries and departments of environmental orientation, carrying out functions of state management in relation to specific spheres of environmental protection and their territorial agencies form the system of specially authorized bodies under coordination of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Russia. Later, due to changes in the structure of federal bodies of executive power according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14 August 1996 N 1177, a new structure of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal bodies of executive power was established. In accordance with the above mentioned Decree the newly established Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation became part of the Government, and the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection, State Committee of the Russian Federation for Land Resources, the State Committee for Fishery, the Federal Service for Forestry, the Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring were related to the federal bodies of executive power.

State Committee for Environmental Protection

Among the state managerial bodies, responsible for the implementation of state policy for environmental protection and use of natural resources, the main responsibility is with the State Committee for Environmental Protection (123812 Moscow, ul. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 4/6), Chairman: Viktor Ivanovich Danilov-Danilyan, tel. 254-76-63 and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (123812 Moscow, ul. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 4/6), Minister: Viktor Petrovich Orlov, tel. 254-76-33.

The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection implements the policy for environmental protection, provides ecological safety and conservation of biodiversity, carries out inter-sectoral coordination and functional regulation in this sphere, as well as environmental control, environmental assessment and management of state natural reserves and other specially protected territories. The Committee and its territorial agencies are specially authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation for environmental protection.

The principal responsibilities of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection are:

  • Integrated management of environmental protection in the Russian Federation

  • Implementing scientific and technical policies in environmental issues

  • Coordination of activities of ministries, departments, enterprises, agencies and organizations in the field of environmental protection

  • Assessment and forecasting of anthropogenic environmental impact

  • Supervision of environmental protection and of the observation of norms of ecological safety

  • Organization of an integrated state system for environmental monitoring

  • Evaluation of environment related plans and projects for the Russian Federation

  • Interaction with specially authorized state bodies for environmental protection, regulation for utilization of natural resources, observation of norms of ecological safety in territorial waters, in marine economic zones and on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation

  • Control of the utilization and protection of natural resources, including natural resources of the continental shelf and in the marine economic zone of the Russian Federation.


The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation

is responsible for regulation and inter-sectoral coordination of geological exploration and rational use of mineral resources, water economy management, protection of mineral, water and other natural resources.


The Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

123242 Moscow, Novovagankovsky per., 12, Head: Alexander Ivanovich Bedritsky, tel. 252-14-67, 252-13-89, manages the hydrometeorological and environmental monitoring services (monitoring of the atmosphere, surface waters, the marine environment, soils, and other objects of nature). It is a specially authorized state body for the administration and enforcement of pollution control.


The Federal Service of Russia for Forestry

113095 Moscow, Pyatnitskaya ul. 59/19, Head: Valery Alexandrovich Shubin, tel. 233-10-43, 230-85-30 regulates and manages forestry on the territory of Russia and coordinates the conservation and reproduction of forests.


The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Land Resources and Land Use

Roskomzem”, 119862 Moscow, ul. Lva Tolstogo, 5/1, Chairman: Nikolay Vasilievich Komov, tel. 246-31-08, 246-16-24 is in charge for the regulation and inter-sectoral coordination of land use.


The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Fishery

103031 Moscow, Rozhdestvensky bul, 12, Chairman: Alexander Vasilievich Rodin, tel. 924-11-39, 928-73-19 is responsible for reproduction and conservation of biological water resources and the development of fishery.

The contribution of each authority to the solution of problems of the Caspian is should be according to the authority’s functions as described.

Certain functions of environmental management are also carried out by the Ministry of the Russian Federation of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Liquidation of Consequences of Natural Disasters, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Transport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of External Economic Relations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation of Cooperation with CIS Members, the Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia, the Federal Mining and Industrial Control of Russia, the Federal Control Board of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, as well as by other Russian departments.

A number of Commissions and Councils deals with the problems of the Caspian on the inter-departmental level. The main body is the Governmental Commission for Problems of the Caspian , established according to the resolution of the Government of October 1, 1992. This Commission is headed by the Chairman of the State Committee for Environmental Protection of Russia V.I. Danilov-Danilyan. The Commission was established for the coordination of activities, connected with the protection of economic objects and settlements in the coastal zone of the Caspian from flooding. This Commission is also responsible for the coordination of studies of environmental, social and economic consequences in the basin of the Caspian , caused by the long-term change of the water level, forecasts of dynamic processes, as well as specific features of the economic system in the Caspian basin.

At the local level coordination and practical resolution of the Caspian problems is carried out by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Republic of Daghestan (367027 Makhachkala, ul. Ozernaya, 17-a), Minister - N-K.K. Aliev, tel. 68-04-88, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Republic of Kalmykia (358000 Elista, House of the Government), Minister: E.B. Gabunschina, tel. 6-10-45, Committee for Environment and Natural Resources of the Astrakhan Oblast (414000 Astrakhan, ul. Bakinskaya, 113), Chairman: Yu.S. Chuikov, tel. 22-90-83.

In 1993 the Scientific Council for the problem “Complex use and conservation of natural-economic resources of the Caspian and its basin” was established. It was affiliated with the Ministry of Science and with the Water Committee “Roskomvod” which existed at that time. It was headed by the Full Member of Russian Academy of Sciences G.S.Golitsyn. The Council was established to develop studies, aimed at the scientific substantiation and realization of a complex of practical measures for the prevention and liquidation of negative consequences of the rise of the Caspian level and for scientific and methodical supervision of the use, protection and reproduction of natural resources of the Caspian .

Also in 1993 the Coordinating Council for the development of Feasibility Study for Urgent Measures in the Caspian Region was established, affiliated to the State Committee of Russia for Construction.

Public organizations, dealing with problems of the Caspian, are: the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia (Moscow), the State Oceanographic Institute (Moscow), the Central Designing Bureau of Russian Committee for Hydrometeorology (Obninsk) and the Caspian Marine Rerch Center (Astrakhan). These organizations are developing a regional system of integrated monitoring of the Caspian environment by expanding and restructuring of the existing hydrometeorological network. This system will also use satellite monitoring of the pollution of the Caspian aquatory and rivers mouths.

Besides, other organizations participate in the resolution of the Caspian problems, including but not limited to: the Geographical Faculty of the Moscow State University, the Daghestan Rerch Center of RAS (Makhachkala), the Astrakhan Biosphere Reserve, the Institute of Applied Ecology (Makhachkala), the Institute of Oceanology of RAS (Moscow), the Institute of Water Problems of RAS (Moscow), the Institute of Geography of RAS, the Caspian Rerch Institute of Fishery of the Russian Committee for Fishery (Astrakhan), the State Hydrological Institute (St. Petersburg), the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of “Rosgidromet” (Moscow), “Astrakhangiprovodkhoz” (Astrakhan), the Institute of Physics of Atmosphere of RAS, the Coordinating Center “Caspy” of RAS, “Daggiprovodkhoz” (Makhachkala), the Daghestan Environmental Center (Makhachkala), the Public Committee for the Rescue of The Caspian (Makhachkala), the Astrakhan Division of the Public Committee for the Rescue of the Caspian (Astrakhan).

Due to frequent changes in the governmental structure of the Russian Federation the information on the bodies and heads of departments will require further updating.



The environmental legislation follows principle “polluter pays.” There are taxes and levies for use of natural resources. The technical standards for the enterprises are established on the basis of the standards for ecological quality. These rules are determined in the Law on the Protection of Nature (1991).

The legislative body of Turkmenistan is the Medjlis (parliament). The Medjlis can transfer the right to issue the laws on certain issues to the President of Turkmenistan with the subsequent approval by the Medjlis. The right to propose laws to the Medjlis belongs to the President, deputies and the Cabinet of Ministers. Environmental laws, and also the laws, pertaining to public health, are usually proposed by the Cabinet of Ministers to one of five committees of Medjlis for Science, Culture and Education.

The Main State Inspection On Standardization, Metrology, And Occupational Safety is the principal organization in Turkmenistan for preparing environmental legislation. This is an Interdepartmental State Commission that deals with questions, connected to development and introduction of new standards. It has specialized subcommissions, consisting of the experts in different fields. These are experts from ministries and departments. They can form working groups for special tasks, which prepare suggestions to the Commission.

State management of the economic and social development is mandated by Article 78 of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, accepted on May 18, 1992. The responsibility for rational use and the protection of natural resources are assigned to the Cabinet of Ministers. The Cabinet of Ministers supervises the activity of governmental organizations, charged with the protection of the environment, public health, preservation of wild life, natural resources and related issues. The following are the principal organizations of this kind in Turkmenistan:

  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

  • Ministry for Public Health and Medical Industry

  • Ministry of Melioration and Water Economy

  • State Committee for Land Use, Land Management and Land Reform

  • State Committee of the Fishing Industry

  • Main State Inspection on Standardization, Metrology and Occupational Safety of Turkmenistan

  • State Corporation “Turkmengeology”

Article 86 of the Constitution of Turkmenistan defines the measures on rational use of natural resources and protection of the environment in the system of local self-management in velayats and etraps (areas and regions).

The basic public ecological societies are:

  • Society for the Protection of Nature of Turkmenistan

  • Ecological Fund of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan

  • Dashhovuz Ecological Club

  • Ecological Club in Ashgabat

In four velayats ecological funds for the protection of nature come from sanctions for environmental pollution above the permitted standards. The public organizations fund themselves from voluntary contributions. Ecological funds are available in some cities of Turkmenistan, in particular, Ashgabat and Buzeyin.

These funds are used for financing construction, new equipment, reconstruction and repair of environmental objects, as well as Research and design of new environmental engineering and technology, monitoring, etc.


Addresses of Organizations and Authorities Concerned with the Environment of the Caspian in Turkmenistan

Medjlis of Turkmenistan, Committee for Science, Culture and Education
G. Mjalikguliev
Chairman of the Committee
ul. Neutral Turkmenistan 17
744000 Ashgabat
Ph. (9 9312) 393 361


Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

I.Sh. Shihiev
Vice-president of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
ul. Neutral Turkmenistan 17
744000 Ashgabat
Ph. (9 9312) 351 134


Ministry for Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

V.A. Glazovskiy
Head of the Department of Environmental Protection
ul. Kemine 102
744000 Ashgabat
Ph. (9 9312) 255 750

Y.N. Fedorov
Chief of the Center for Ecological Monitoring
ul. Azadi 81
744000 Ashgabat
Ph. (9 9312) 353 878


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

M.B. Chariev
First Deputy of the Minister
ul. Magtymguli 83
744000 Ashgabat
Ph. (9 9312) 351 666, 294 709


Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan

Sh. Akhmedov
Head of Department of Foreign Economic Relations
ul. Turkmenbashi 18
744000 Ashgabat
Ph. (9 9312) 393 501


Ministry of Public Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan

D.G. Akmamedov
Chief of Sanitary-Epidemiological Management
ul. Magtymguly 96
744000 Ashgabat
Ph. (9 9312) 355 582

B.A. Ovezov
Chief Surgeon of Turkmenbashi’s Sanitary-Epidemiological Station
ul. Dostlyk, 35
745004 Turkmenbashi
Ph. (432 22) 752 27

G.N. Kotov
Chief Surgeon of Cheleken’s Sanitary-Epidemiological Station
745030 Cheleken
Ph. (432 402) 25 02


Ministry for Melioration and Water Economy of Turkmenistan

A.O. Ovezov
Deputy Minister,
ul. Seidi, 1
744000 Ashgabat
Ph. (9 9312) 256 869


State Committee for Land Use, Land Management and Land Reform

A.M. Mkrtchan
Head of department
ul. Gerogli
744012 Ashgabat
ph. (9 9312) 242 172


State Committee for the Fishing Industry

A.Z. Djanmurzaev
Chairman of Committee
ul. Magtymguli, 54/?
744005 Ashgabat
ph. (9 9312) 471 701


Main State Inspection on Standardization, Metrology and Occupational Health of Turkmenistan,

A. Dovletmuradov
Chief State Inspector
ul. Seidi, 14
744000 Ashgabat
ph. (9 9312) 291 730, fax (9 9312) 510 498


State Corporation “Turkmengeology”,

?.?. Avanesov
Chief Hydrogeologist
ul. Durdieva, 744000 Ashgabat, Ph. (9 9312) 255 015


State Tourism Corporation “Turkmensiyakhat”

V.P. Vovk
Head of Department
ul. Pushkinskaya
744000 Ashgabat


Ashgabat’s Ecological Club

T. Berkeliev
ul. Turkmenbashi
744000 Ashgabat
Ph. (9 9312) 353 516


Dashhovuz’s Ecological Club

T. Mollaev Chairman
ul. Tashkent
744000 Dashhovuz
Ph. (360 22) 32 448

Hiakimlik of Balkan Velayat

R. Pukhanov
Hiakim of Velayat
754100 Nebitdag
Ph. (432 43) 221 41

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Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 6

Section 7

Section 8

Section 9

Section 10

Section 11

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Theme for Effective Regional Assessment of Contaminant Levels
Department of the Environment (DOE), Marine Environment Bureau
187, Nejatollahi St, PO Box 15875-5181, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Tel.: +9821 8901096
Fax: +9821 8907223
E-mail: mrnsheikh@yahoo.com
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