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Meeting/Committee Reports by deepajani, last updated: 2006-11-09 16:33
Meeting reports, reports from various committees etc.
Newsletters by deepajani, last updated: 2006-11-09 16:28
Newsletters produced by the project
Databases by deepajani, last updated: 2006-11-09 16:23
Project Documents by deepajani, last updated: 2006-11-09 16:08
project briefs, information documents, appraisals, PDF A and B documents etc.
Funding by deepajani, last updated: 2006-11-09 15:05
background information on project.
Participating Countires by deepajani, last updated: 2006-11-09 15:05
background information on project.
Project Components / Intiatives by deepajani, last updated: 2006-11-09 15:05
background information on project.
Project Structure by deepajani, last updated: 2006-11-09 15:05
background information on project.
Background by deepajani, last updated: 2006-11-09 15:05
background information on project.
Images by christian, last updated: 2006-11-03 10:44
all the images to be used throughout the site should be added to this folder
Project Title by deepajani, last updated: 2006-10-27 10:57
World Bank by deepajani, last updated: 2006-10-25 17:03
The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. We are not a bank in the common sense. We are made up of two unique development institutions owned by 184 member countries—the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). Each institution plays a different but supportive role in our mission of global poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards. The IBRD focuses on middle income and creditworthy poor countries, while IDA focuses on the poorest countries in the world. Together we provide low-interest loans, interest-free credit and grants to developing countries for education, health, infrastructure, communications and many other purposes.
United Nations Development Programme by admin, last updated: 2006-10-25 16:17
UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners.
Events by admin, last updated: 2006-08-29 14:53
Site Events
News by admin, last updated: 2006-08-29 14:53
Site News
Project Factsheet by admin, last updated: 2006-08-29 14:39
Hello by admin, last updated: 2006-08-28 15:36
admin by admin, last updated: 2006-08-28 15:16
Partners by admin, last updated: 2006-08-25 09:54
Projects's partners
Members by admin, last updated: 2006-08-14 10:23
Container for portal members' home directories
Past Events by admin, last updated: 2006-08-14 10:23
Events which have already happened.

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