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Project's Develepment Objectives

by Nawarat Chalermpao last modified 2007-10-01 08:36

The Project’s development objective is to reduce the major negative environmental and health impacts of rapidly increasing concentrated livestock production on the open waters of and thus on the people of south-east Asia. Its global environment objective is to reduce livestock induced, land-based pollution and environmental degradation of the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand.

Achievement of the Project development objective would be monitored by the following key performance indicators:

1 Reduced livestock production related emissions of pollutants in surface water systems of project area including nitrates, phosphates, BOD, COD and E.Coli;

2 The number and size of confined livestock producers within the demonstration areas preparing and adopting pollution control practices demonstrated through the project;

3 Improved spatial distribution planning for livestock production facilities (to better match waste production and land absorption capacity);

4 Local and national adoption and enforcement of suitable policies and regulations for addressing livestock wate management-related pollution;

5 Reduced human health risk as a result of minimized transmission potential of pathogens, antibiotics and virus from fish to human being;

6 Increase public awarenes and regional exchange of information on pollution threats and health problems from livestock waste as shown in government and World Bank policy documents.

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