Project Structure
At the meeting in Rome, in May 1999, the OSS was officially designated by the countries and the financial partners as the Executive Agency of the Project.
For the execution of the Project, a Steering Committee
presided by the OSS was set up. It is composed of:
- Co-operation partners: (FIDA, FAO and DDC-Suisse)
- Partners from international and scientific organisations (UNESCO, ACSAD, BGR)
- General Directors of the national institutions in charge of water resources from the three countries
• ALGERIA: ANRH (Agence Nationale des Ressources Hydrauliques)
• LYBIA: GWA (General Water Authority)
• TUNISIA: DGRE (Direction Générale des Ressources
en Eau)
Main tasks of the committee:
- Assess the validity and the quality of technical results obtained during the preceding phase
- Discuss and approve, or modify, the action programmes of the work phases as well as the expenditure plans proposed by the regional co-ordinators of the programme and the OSS in reports that will be submitted to the members of the Steering Committee at least two weeks before the meeting;
- Propose solutions to problems arising during the execution of the programme.
It its capacity as Executive Agency the task of The OSS was to:
- Manage the funds allocated to the project;
- To hold a bid in order to select and recruit the regional and international expert of the programme;
- Select and recruit, in co-operation with the regional programme co-ordinator, the required consultants according to the programme approved by the Steering Committee;
- Acquire equipment and materials as agreed by the countries concerned and the co-operation partners;
- Supply the regional programme Co-ordinators with any logistical assistance required to ensure an efficient operation (premises - with the help of countries hosting the agency in charge - secretariat, printing of reports, etc..); organise an external financial audit of the management of the programme funds;
- Provide a scientific audit of the results.