Project Manager
Skype Me™! Taito Nakalevu
Project Officer
Skype Me™! Peniamina Leavai
Project Communications Coordinator
Skype Me™! Setaita Tavanabola


Implementing Agency
Funding Agency
Implementing Partner

Kivori Village, Confronting the Reality of Climate Change

Estimated[Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change]The term ‘Climate Change’ is not just an abstract to the people of Kivori, it is their daily challenge. Located some 130 kilometres west of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, the community is a six hour ...(to be continued)


Europe’s glaciers ’gone in decades’

Aletsch[Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change]GLOBAL warming may wipe out three-quarters of Europe’s alpine glaciers by 2100, two studies predict.

The research places the spotlight on two of the least understood aspects of climate change: ...(to be continued)


PACC completes second sub-regional SEA-PACC Training

UNDP-GEF/SPREP[Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change]The GEF funded UNDP/SPREP Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project undertook its second Sub-Regional Training on Socioeconomics Assessment (SEA) Guide from the 15th to the 19th of November, 2010 a ...(to be continued)


About PACC

Climate Change:
Pacific Newsbeat
Draft decisions adopted, pressure on Durban to produce a legally binding agreement12/11/2010
Youths mark 21,000 deaths with count12/11/2010
AOSIS wins award12/11/2010
Drama in the final session - Cancun12/11/2010

Pacific Year of

Climate Change