Sensitivity of Arctic ecosystems to acid deposition

Sensitivity of Arctic ecosystems to acid deposition
Sensitivity of Arctic ecosystems to acid deposition

Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk

Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk
Vegetation damage zones around Norilsk

Mean arctic age of air in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere (summer)

Mean arctic age of air in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere in July (summer)
Mean arctic age of air in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere (summer)

Black carbon potential source contributions

Black carbon potential source contributions from continents as a function of transport time to the Arctic, for the subset that also reaches a minimum arctic altitude below 1000 m, for winter and [..]
Black carbon potential source contributions

Trends in NOx and SO2 concentrations

Trends in NOx and SO2 concentrations in air in various cities in the Russian Arctic
Trends in NOx and SO2 concentrations

Mean arctic age of air in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere (winter)

Mean arctic age of air in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere in January (winter)
Mean arctic age of air in the lowest 100 m of the atmosphere (winter)

Shipping routes, oil and gas regions, and fishing grounds in the Arctic

Shipping routes, oil and gas regions, and fishing grounds in the Arctic
Shipping routes, oil and gas regions, and fishing grounds in the Arctic

Projected total emissions of SOx-S and NOx-N between 1990 and 2020

Projected total emissions of SOx-S and NOx-N between 1990 and 2020
Projected total emissions of SOx-S and NOx-N between 1990 and 2020

Projected SOx-S emissions in 2020 for the CLE and MFR emissions scenarios

Projected SOx-S emissions in 2020 for the CLE and MFR emissions scenarios
Projected SOx-S emissions in 2020 for the CLE and MFR emissions scenarios

Estimated emissions of SOx-S and NOx-N in 2000

Estimated emissions of SOx-S and NOx-N in 2000
Estimated emissions of SOx-S and NOx-N in 2000

Trends in summer and winter nitrate concentrations in air within the Arctic

Trends in summer and winter nitrate concentrations in air within the Arctic
Trends in summer and winter nitrate concentrations in air within the Arctic

Frequency and variation in the direction of air masses

Frequency and variation in the direction of air masses arriving at Oulanka and Zeppelin over 4-year periods during the 1990s
Frequency and variation in the direction of air masses

Annual and seasonal variations in average background levels of sulfate sulfur and total nitrogen in precipitation across the Atlantic

Annual and seasonal variations in average background levels of sulfate sulfur and total nitrogen in precipitation across the Atlantic, Siberian, and Pacific sectors of the Russian Arctic
Annual and seasonal variations in average background levels of sulfate sulfur and total nitrogen in precipitation across the Atlantic

Annual and seasonal variations in sulfate sulfur concentrations

Annual and seasonal variations in sulfate sulfur concentrations in an industrial area (Norilsk) and a background area (Turukhansk) of the Siberian sector of the Russian Arctic
Annual and seasonal variations in sulfate sulfur concentrations

Trends in summer and winter total sulfate concentrations in air within the Arctic

Trends in summer and winter total sulfate concentrations in air within the Arctic
Trends in summer and winter total sulfate concentrations in air within the Arctic

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