MAGIC model results for the streamwater at Dalelva for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70%, and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels

MAGIC model results for the streamwater at Dalelva for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70%, and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels
MAGIC model results for the streamwater at Dalelva for the past 90 years and for three future scenarios assuming a 0%, 70%, and 95% reduction of the present sulfur deposition levels

Arctic boundaries (physical)

The Arctic as defined by temperature, and the Arctic marine boundary, also showing the boundary of the AMAP assessment area
Arctic boundaries (physical)

Arctic surface air temperature

Mean January and July surface air temperatures (°C) in the Arctic
Arctic surface air temperature

Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in dated sediment cores from Arctic Canada and Finland Sum-PCDD/Fs = sum of 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octachloro D/Fs plus non-2,3,7,8-substituted congeners

Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in dated sediment cores from Arctic Canada and Finland Sum-PCDD/Fs = sum of 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octachloro D/Fs [..]
Concentration (pg/g dw) profiles for octachlorodioxin (OCDD) and total PCDD/Fs in dated sediment cores from Arctic Canada and Finland Sum-PCDD/Fs = sum of 2,3,7,8-substituted tetra- to octachloro D/Fs plus non-2,3,7,8-substituted congeners

Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995

Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995
Estimated ground deposition of nuclear weapons fallout of 137Cs based on precipitation data, decay corrected to 1995

Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing

Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing
Compartment model used to assess doses from releases of radioactive materials to the atmosphere from nuclear testing

Averaged upper (3000 m) air concentrations of Pb in winter (December-February) and summer (June-August) as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988

Averaged upper (3000 m) air concentrations of Pb in winter (December-February) and summer (June-August) as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the [..]
Averaged upper (3000 m) air concentrations of Pb in winter (December-February) and summer (June-August) as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988

Lead deposition as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988

Lead deposition as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988
Lead deposition as modeled by the updated (1996) hemispheric EMEP transport model in a simulation for the reference year 1988

Mass transport pathways considered in the Coastal Zone Oil Spill Model (COZOIL), developed to simulate dynamic transport and weathering of oil on US Arctic coasts

Mass transport pathways considered in the Coastal Zone Oil Spill Model (COZOIL), developed to simulate dynamic transport and weathering of oil on US Arctic coasts
Mass transport pathways considered in the Coastal Zone Oil Spill Model (COZOIL), developed to simulate dynamic transport and weathering of oil on US Arctic coasts

An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further decreases in the sea ice cover

An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further [..]
An example of a positive feedback loop Warming leads to a decrease in sea ice cover which in turn leads to a decrease in albedo over the ocean, the result of which is further warming and further decreases in the sea ice cover

The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and surges in rivers

The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and [..]
The hydrologic balance in the Arctic is highly dynamic on the seasonal time scale with large and rapid ice melts in the spring On land, this ice and snow melting results in large rapid floods and surges in rivers

Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions

Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions
Temporal variation in calculated reindeer Tag values for different Arctic regions

Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Spatial trends in the net flux from reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland
Temporal variation in cow milk Tag values for Sweden, Norway and Finland

Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2
Comparison of the predicted flux of 137Cs in milk and reindeer meat in different Arctic areas, for the first year after an assumed uniform deposition of 100 kBq/m2

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