- Front page
- About HELCOM
- Vacancies
- Contact us
- The Helsinki Convention
- Ministerial Declarations
- Recommendations
- Baltic Sea Action Plan
- Introduction to the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan
- Baltic Sea Action Plan
- MinisterialMeeting2010
- Ministerial Meeting 2007
- Baltic Sea Action Summit 2010
- 5th Stakeholder Conference 2010
- 4th Stakeholder Conference 2009
- 3rd Stakeholder Conference 2008
- 2nd Stakeholder Conference 2007
- Kick-off Stakeholder Conference 2006
- Defining the final shape of the Baltic recovery strategy
- Groups
- Projects
- Publications
- Press office
- Meetings and Documents
- Manuals and guidelines
- Indicator Fact Sheets
- Shipping
- The marine environment
- Data and maps
3rd Stakeholder Conference on the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan
4 March 2008, Helsinki, Finland
- Programme and presentations
- Press Release
- Opening Statement
- Outcome