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Working Programme for the Maritime Group (HELCOM MARITIME) 2010-2012



Measures and actions enhancing maritime safety 

Propose additional safety measures, including routeing measuresHELCOM MARITIMEMeetings of
Maintain and update the “HELCOM Transit Guide for the Baltic Sea” – chart and web page versionLead countries:
- chart - Germany
- web page version - Denmark
Participate in a pilot project to test Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic SeaHELCOM PLAN BALTIC project [subject to its approval by DG MARE]Spring 2010
- Autumn 2011
Follow-up, contribute to and utilize the results of the overall risk assessment of shipping accidents in the Baltic SeaBRISK Project
In co-operation with HELCOM RESPONSE
Continue the development of AIS Application Specific Messages and promote their use in the BalticHELCOM AIS EWG
Lead countries: Finland and Sweden
Co-operate with the Monitoring Working Group of BSHC to speed-up hydrographic  re-surveys and support other hydrographic activitiesContracting Parties
HELCOM Ministerial Meeting
Co-operate with Baltic Icebreaking Management to further improve the safety of navigation in ice conditionsContracting PartiesMeetings of
Implement actions to facilitate ECDIS wide use in the Baltic SeaHELCOM MARITIMEMeetings of
Implement [draft] HELCOM Recommendation on Mutual Plan for Places of RefugeContracting Parties
In co-operation with HELCOM RESPONSE

Consideration of the ways to further reduce emissions and discharges from shipping

A joint submission to IMO to amend Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 in order to eliminate discharge of sewage from passenger ships and ferries Ad hoc Correspondence Group on amendments to Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 led by FinlandBy 15 December 2009 to MEPC 60
A joint submission to IMO to establish the Baltic Sea NOx emission control area and cost and benefit analysis of NECACorrespondence Group on designation of the Baltic Sea as NECA led by FinlandTarget - MEPC 62 (2011)
Investigate and consider introduction of economic incentives for reducing emissions from ships, which are not covered by Annex VI tier IIIContracting PartiesMeetings of
Assessment whether there is room/need for other HELCOM measures to address emissions from shippingHELCOM MARITIMEContinuous

Regional implementation of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments

Implementation of the road map towards harmonized implementation and ratification of the BWMCCorrespondence Working Group
to monitor progress
In co-operation with HELCOM MONAS and HELCOM HABITAT
According to the
time schedule included in the road map

Full and harmonized implementation of the Baltic Strategy

Development and implementation of a plan and recommendations for upgrading availability of PRF for sewage in major passenger portsHELCOM MARITIME
Contracting Parties
Plan to be developed for adoption by the 2010 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting
Encourage voluntary activities in ports and shipping companies to dispose sewage to PRFContracting PartiesReports to meetings
Identify gaps in availability of PRF for ship-generated wastes, mandatory delivery of waste and the application of the “no-special-fee” system, and propose measures to fill in these gapsContracting PartiesHELCOM
MARITIME 10/2011

Co-operation to ensure enforcement of regulations and detection, investigation and successful convictions of offenders of anti-pollution regulations

Co-operate with the Paris MoU to obtain statistics on PSC from the Paris MoU database SIRENAC (in 2011 to be succeeded by THETIS)SecretariatReport to
Extend the Single Hull Tanker monitoring system to the banned ships under the Paris MoU and ships non-compliant with the AFS ConventionHELCOM AIS EWGBanned ships: 2010
The AFS non-compliant ships: 2011
Play a proactive role in communicating “unexpected” factors according to Directive 2009/16/EC to the PSC authorities, e.g. based on information on non-compliant ships detected in the Baltic, to prompt additional inspections of high risk shipsContracting Parties
In cooperation with HELCOM AIS EWG re. non-compliant ships
Starting from January 2011

Collection and analyses of  the statistics on ships’ movements in the Baltic and on environmental impact of shipping/experience exchange

Monitor emissions from ships and evaluate its impact on the Baltic SeaLead country: Finland
2009-2012 SNOOP Project run by Finland and Estonia,
REBAS project under development
Annual reports on emissions to HELCOM
MARITIME meetings
Collect and compile information on shipping accidents in the BalticSecretariat/Contracting PartiesAnnual HELCOM report on shipping accidents
Analyse annual HELCOM reports on illegal discharges observed during aerial surveillanceIn co-operation with HELCOM RESPONSEMeetings of
Uphold and maintain the HELCOM AIS SystemHELCOM AIS EWGContinuously
Analyse AIS based information on the shipping in the BalticContracting PartiesContinuously
Implement the amended HELCOM Agreement on Access to AIS InformationHELCOM AIS EWGWhen the
amended Agreement
is signed, 2010

Information to mariners

Update and disseminate the revised “Clean Seas Guide”SecretariatUpdate when needed

Other tasks stemming from implementation of the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (Maritime Activities segment)

Further address marine litter, including the problem of “ghost fishing”KIMO, Contracting PartiesMeetings of
Exchange information about offshore activitiesContracting PartiesMeetings of