Guidelines for the compilation for waterborne pollution load to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water)
HELCOM 26 by adopting HELCOM Recommendation 26/2 “Compilation of Waterborne
Pollution Load (PLC-Water)” decided that the waterborne pollution load compilations will be
carried out in two phases:
Total waterborne loads (rivers, unmonitored and coastal areas as well as point sources
and diffuse sources discharging directly to the Baltic Sea) of nutrients and hazardous
substances are reported to HELCOM annually and assessed as annual Indicator reports,
Comprehensive Waterborne Pollution Load Compilations quantifying waterborne discharges
from point sources and losses from non-point pollution sources as well as natural
background losses into inland surface waters within the catchment area of the Baltic Sea
located within the borders of the Contracting Parties are reported to HELCOM every sixth
year starting in 2006.
These pollution load compilations should be carried out in accordance with the valid
Guidelines for the Waterborne Pollution Load Compilation.
The Guidelines (updated 2 February 2006) can by downloaded as one pdf file or by chapter:
Annex 1: Method 1 - Nutrient mass balance models for river systems, a German approach
Annex 2: Method 2 - Nutrient mass balance models for Lakes, a Danish approach
Annex 3: Method 3 - Nutrient transport and transformation (retention), the Swedish approach
Annex 4: Reporting format for the quantification and reporting obligations
Annex 5: Categories of industrial activities referred in Annex 1 of the IPPC Directive