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Working Programme for the Response Group (HELCOM RESPONSE) 2008-2010

1.  Maintain and further develop the standing operational network for trans-national co-operation in case of incidents 

  • Keep HELCOM Response Manual up to date:
  • Carry out operational and other kinds of exercises
  • Develop and agree on a decision support system for use of dispersants / a common methodology for conducting NEBA in the Baltic Sea

2.    Implement a three-tier approach to ensure adequate response to incidents in the Baltic Sea Area, with a special focus on the second tier (sub-regional level)

  • Develop and agree upon common methodology for the assessment of risk and sufficiency of emergency and response capacity
  • Finalize the assessments of the risks of oil and chemical pollution and finalize the quantification of the emergency and response resources at the sub-regional level needed to meet these risks
  • Based upon the risk assessments to identify the gaps in emergency and response resources at the sub-regional level and to prepare concrete plans/programmes for fulfilling them by 2013/2016
  • Evaluate the state-of-the-art in the countries with regard to shoreline response, incl. organizational aspects
  • Conclude sub-regional agreements
  • Identify the need for and finalize the quantification of counter-measures for shoreline response, prepare concrete plans/programmes for implementing them by 2013
  • Evaluate situation with regard to wildlife response in the countries; Develop new Chapter in HELCOM Response Manual on wildlife response
  • Integrate wildlife response into national contingency plans

3.    Enhance co-operation with regard to places of refuge

  • Develop and implement mutual plans for places of refuge
  • Investigate issues of liability and compensation related to the mutual plan on places of refuge

4.    Detection, investigation and prosecution of anti-pollution regulations

  • Co-ordinate aerial surveillance flights and harmonize aerial surveillance with satellite surveillance
  • Identify operational needs for satellite surveillance in each sub-region of the Baltic
  • Carry out CEPCO and other flights
  • Harmonize aerial surveillance reporting systems with Bonn Agreement area
  • Further develop Seatrack Web/AIS, e.g. to integrate satellite information for improved identification of possible polluters - accomplished
  • Co-operate/assist and exchange experience in investigations
  • Co-operate with the network of prosecutors general in the Baltic Region

5.   Ensure information exchange about and investigate the need for additional response measures for offshore activities

  • Report on ongoing/planned offshore activities (exploration/exploitation)

6.   Collect information/exchange experience/promote development and use of new technology and best practices

  • Collect information on shipping accidents in the Baltic and their impact on marine environment
  • Report on response operations
  • Collect information on observed deliberate, illegal oil discharges and related statistics
  • Update MARIS system
  • Exchange information with other regional agreements
  • Enhance use of technology to respond to accidents at night, in bad visibility, in bad weather, oil on ice, accidents involving heavy oil, chemical incidents
  • Collect information on dumped chemical munitions