Iullemeden Data base
The Iullemeden database description:
The IAS common data base to the gathers the data collected in the three countries. These data refer to climatology, hydrology, geology and the hydrogeology of the IAS. These data concern nearly 17.200 inventoried boreholes and measurement stations: 740 in Mali (4%), 16.170 in Niger (94%) and 300 in Nigeria (2%). The data were structured, organized and stored in the relational Database (figure) in order to facilitate their exploitation.
A Geographical Information System was coupled with the Data
base in order to produce thematic maps which facilitate the data
processing, and enable to better visualize information. These include
maps of decennial evolution of the number of boreholes, piezometric
maps, transmissivity maps, geological and hydrogeologic cross sections.
We can thus visualize the increase of the abstractions the aquiferous
system during the 40 last years.