How Is the OAS General Secretariat Structured?
In 2006, Secretary General José Miguel Insulza restructured the General Secretariat so the priorities of the member states can be addressed more effectively. Under the new structure, four specialized secretariats coordinate OAS efforts in several broad areas:

• Secretariat for Multidimensional Security – Coordinates OAS actions against terrorism, illegal drugs and other threats to public security.

• Secretariat for Political Affairs– Directs efforts to promote democracy, strengthen democratic governance and prevent democratic crises.

• Executive Secretariat for Integral Development – Includes departments that promote social development, sustainable development, trade and tourism, and education, culture, science and technology. Also handles follow-up to the region’s ministerial meetings.

• Secretariat for Administration and Finance – Provides support services to the General Secretariat, in areas that include human resources, information and technology, and budgetary affairs.

• Department of International Legal Affairs – Promotes legal cooperation among the member states by helping to develop and implement international treaties.

Other offices and agencies – such as the inter-American human rights bodies and the Summits of the Americas Department – report directly to the OAS Secretary General. The Assistant Secretary General also oversees various administrative areas and specialized units, including the secretariats of the Inter-American Commission of Women, the Inter-American Children’s Institute, the Inter-American Committee on Ports and the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission.