
April 14, 2010-Thirty Ninth Lecture of the Lecture Series of the Americas "Never Again: Understanding the Past to Prevent Future Genocide"
Thomas Buergenthal, Judge of the International Court of Justice.

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The Lecture Series of the Americas and the Academic Advisory Board
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DVD Lecture Series of the Americas now available in 4 languages
Book: "Cátedra de las Américas: Consolidando la Democracia"
US$25.00 each. Place your order at DIA

Our Sponsors

Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Perú
Organization of American States


The Lecture Series of the Americas was created by a resolution of the OAS Permanent Council on September 29th, 2004 as an effort to promote democratic values and principles in the countries of the Hemisphere. The monthly lectures given by world renowned speakers focus on central themes of the hemispheric agenda, such as democracy strengthening, human rights, hemispheric security, and social development, among others. The series aims to extend lecture dialogues to millions of people by broadcasting presentations to OAS Member States via the Internet, radio, or television.

Last September the Lecture Series of the Americas celebrated its fifth anniversary. Over twelve thousand people have attended these conferences, and thousands more have participated via internet and other broadcasting means.

The Lecture Series of the Americas is coordinated by Dr. Irene Klinger, Director of the OAS Department of International Affairs (DIA). This department is charged with organizing and executing the program. There are two boards that provide support to the DIA in the promotion of the program: The Board of the Lecture Series and The Academic Advisory Council. The purpose of the Board of the Lecture Series, led by the OAS Secretary General is to develop the program, select and facilitate contact with the speakers, suggest themes, and insure its successful execution. The Academic Advisory Council, composed of universities from the region, ensures that universities and academic institutions have access to the program through multiple media outlets, as well as to help identify and secure high-level speakers for monthly conferences.

The major co-sponsor and funding partner of the Lecture Series is the Universidad San Martín de Porres, in Lima, Peru. Financial contributions to the program have also been received from some OAS Permanent Observer Countries.

For more information on the Lecture Series, please contact the Department of International Affairs at SER-DIA@oas.org.