
October 5, 2009 - Thirty eighth Lecture of the Lecture Series of the Americas "In Search for Solutions to the Financial Crisis: Measures Taken and Future Challenges"
Alicia Barcena, Executive Secretary, ECLAC.

The Department of International Affairs (DIA) is responsible for maintaining and strengthening relations with Permanent Observers of the OAS and developing strategies with civil society and other agencies in the United Nations and Inter-American system to advance the OAS agenda. The DIA is also charged with resource mobilization activities and outreach programs, such as the Lecture Series of the Americas, OAS Policy Roundtables, the Model OAS General Assembly, and briefings for diverse audiences.

Relations with Permanent Observers:
DIA maintains daily contact with Permanent Observers, holds briefing sessions on the Inter-American agenda, and on specific priority programs of the Organization. DIA works to strengthen relations with Permanent Observers and generate strategic alliances for financial support to OAS activities. DIA seeks to expand contributions from Permanent Observers to OAS priority programs and promote by broadening spaces of interaction between Permanent Observers and Member States. Currently, the OAS has 64 Permanent Observers.

Relations with Civil Society:
DIA designs, implements and evaluates the necessary strategies to promote and facilitate the participation of civil society in the activities of the OAS and its political bodies. To facilitate this process, DIA coordinates the registration of civil society organizations in the OAS and their participation in OAS activities. DIA also mobilizes resources to further promote and advance civil society engagement in the work of the OAS, and supports their participation in regional, subregional and ministerial meetings.

Institutional Relations:
DIA works in coordination with partner institutions, including the agencies of the United Nations and the Inter-American system, international financial institutions, universities and think tanks to improve effectiveness in meeting our common goals. These objectives are realized through joint programs, participation in annual meetings and exchange of best practices, new findings and reports to achieve successful implementation of the OAS agenda.

Outreach programs:
DIA develops, mobilizes resources, and carries out outreach programs to promote the work of the OAS among different audiences. These programs include the Lecture Series of the Americas, the Model OAS General Assembly, the OAS policy roundtables, as well as briefings on OAS affairs and priorities for various audiences.