National Training Workshop for Environmental Inspectorate and Marine Monitoring in Rabat, Morocco

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Morocco TrainingThirty five participants from Moroccan public and private institutions and organizations participated in a national training workshop for environmental inspectorate and marine monitoring held in Rabat, Morocco, on 17 and 18 December 2014.

The workshop was facilitated by UNEP/MAP MED POL programme within the framework of the MedPartnership project, in close coordination with the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mining, water and Environment.

In addition to developing the technical capacities of the participants in environmental inspectorate by using up-to-date pollution control and monitoring tools, the 2-day workshop aimed at enhancing cooperation among inspectorate and marine pollution monitoring bodies at national and regional levels.

New elements related to compliance and enforcement were presented to the participants, as well as ways and means to strengthen the capacities of environmental bodies to enforce national legislation. The ELVs/EQSs web-based tool was also introduce during the workshop.

Following presentations, discussions and case studies during the sessions, revealed that the main challenge remains financial constraints along with a huge need for technical assistance and capacity building, and networking among the different bodies working in the field. Participants also agreed on the need to enforce national legislations and sanction system in the country.



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