Outputs & Activities

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The project is composed of four components, which are the following:

  • Information and data gathering
    • assessment of regional and national programs for monitoring, and tracking climate variability and change and its impacts.
    • regional consensus on a mechanism for sharing data on climate variability and change
    • development of an online multi-country Information Sharing Platform on climate variability and change monitoring data in coastal areas
  • In-depth analysis of climate variability impacts
    • regional Assessment of the consequences of climate variability and change for ecosystems and human activities, including an in-depth analysis of impacts on selected hotspots and sectors
    • implementation of models and tools to assess environmental and socioeconomic impacts and evaluate response options in two coastal areas in Sibenik-Knin in Croatia and Kerkennah Islands in Tunisia
  • Capacity building and integration of the climate dimension into ICZM planning
    • development of a methodology and tools for mainstreaming climate variability and change considerations into national ICZM planning and practices
    • development of an Integrated Management Plan in the Sibenik-Knin coast in Croatia and integration of the climate dimension in Coastal Plans in Algeria and Montenegro.
    • contribution to building capacity and advancing policy dialogue in participating countries on climate variability and change with emphasis on ICZM and IWRM issues
    • regional assessment of Climate Change Adaptation for Mediterranean Coastal Zones and integration into policies and plans.
  • Project management and coordination

ClimVar partners


MedPartnership partners