Fisheries Refugia in Vietnam |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Friday, 15 June 2007 |
Establishing a Pilot Fisheries Refugia Site at Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam
A community consultation on the identification and mapping of fisheries refugia was conducted at Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam from 8th-11th June 2007.  This activity was undertaken as part of the regional initiative to establish a system of fisheries refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand. Vietnamese and Cambodian fishers, representatives of the Phu Quoc and Kampot habitat demonstration sites, staff of National Fisheries and Oceanographic Research Institutes, and representatives of Provincial Fisheries and Environment Departments participated in the consultation. An important outcome of the consultation was a map of critical spawning and nursery areas for economically important fish species in the transboundary waters area of Phu Quoc and Kampot. Please click here to learn more about the fisheries refugia initiative of the South China Sea Project, or follow the link below to read more. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 05 July 2007 )
8th Meeting of the RWG-Coral Reefs |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Friday, 08 June 2007 |
Guiding the Implementation of the South China Sea Project's Coral Reef Habitat Demonstration Sites The 8th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Coral Reefs was convened on Phu Quoc Island in Viet Nam from 4th-7th June 2007. The main items of business considered by the group included: the status of finalisation,  adoption, and implementation of National Action Plans; the proposed South China Sea Regional Training Course on Management Models and Strategies for Coral Reef and Seagrass Ecosystems and associated National Echo-Seminars; the national and regional economic values of the goods and services of coral reefs in the South China Sea; and the coral reef component of the regional Strategic Action Programme. Click here to access the report of the meeting. Please click here for further information regarding the work of the Regional Working Group on Coral Reefs and the coral reef habitat demonstration sites. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 July 2007 )
Joint Meeting: Cambodia & Vietnam |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Sunday, 03 June 2007 |
Enhancing Cooperation for the Management of Transboundary Waters in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand The Second Joint Meeting between the Management Teams of the Kampot and Phu Quoc Habitat Demonstration Sites was convened in Kampot, Cambodia from 26th-28th May 2007. The meeting was aimed at reviewing the implementation of actions agreed during the first joint meeting of the sites in 2006, and to enhance interactions between the Provinces of Kien Giang (Viet Nam) and Kampot (Cambodia) in the management of transboundary water areas. Main items of business included: a review of the status of activities and achievements of the two demonstration sites; development of a policy and framework for co-operation in managing the environment and resources of transboundary water areas of Cambodia and Viet Nam; and development of a joint GIS database. The draft report of the meeting can be accessed by clicking here. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 July 2007 )
8th Meeting of the RWG-Seagrass |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Saturday, 02 June 2007 |
Review of the Total Economic Value of Seagrass Goods and Services in the South China Sea and Finalisation of Seagrass Inputs to the Regional Strategic Action Programme The 8th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Seagrass was convened in Sihanoukville, Cambodia from 21st-24th May 2007.The main items of business considered by the group included: the status of finalisation, adoption, and implementation of National Action Plans; the proposed South China Sea Regional Training Course on Management Models and Strategies for Coral Reef and Seagrass Ecosystems and associated National Echo-Seminars; the national and regional economic values of the goods and services of seagrass in the South China Sea; and the seagrass component of the regional Strategic Action Programme. Please click here to access the report of the meeting. |
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 July 2007 )
8th Meeting of the RWG-Wetlands |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Wednesday, 23 May 2007 |
Finalisation of Wetland Component Inputs to the Regional Strategic Action Programme for the South China SeaThe 8th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Wetlands was convened in Shantou, China from 8th-11th May  2007. Important items considered by the group include: the status of finalisation, adoption, and implementation of the National Actions Plans; the South China Sea Project Regional Training Course on Wetlands; consideration of the regional economic values and total economic values for wetlands; and wetland component inputs to the revised regional Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea. Participants visited the Shantou Wetland Demonstration Site on the final day of the meeting. Please visit the South China Sea Project's Multi-Media Library to view recent videos from the Shantou wetland site. Click here to access the report of the meeting. |
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 July 2007 )
Regional Training on Mangroves |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Monday, 14 May 2007 |
Building capacity with respect to the management of mangrove ecosystems bordering the South China Sea and Gulf of ThailandThe UNEP/GEF South China Sea Project’s Regional Training Workshop on the Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystems was successfully convened from 25th April – 9th May 2007. This training workshop was organised  by USAINS of the Universiti Sains Malaysia, and was led by the regional mangrove experts Drs. Ong Jin Eong and Gong Wooi Khoon. Resources persons included inter alia the Director of the South China Sea Project, Dr. John C. Pernetta, the regional mangrove experts, Professor Sanit Aksomkoae and Dr. Nguyen Hoang Tri, and SEAFDEC’s Dr. Jurgene Primavera. A total of 20 individuals from countries bordering the South China Sea participated in the workshop. A full report of activities and a compilation of training materials will be available on in coming weeks. Please follow the link below to view a selection of images from the workshop. |
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 23 May 2007 )
8th Meeting of the RWG-Mangroves |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Wednesday, 25 April 2007 |
Review of the Total Economic Value of Mangroves Bordering the South China Sea and Finalisation of Mangrove Inputs to the Regional Strategic Action ProgrammeThe 8th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Mangroves was convened in Koh Kong, Cambodia from  19th-22nd April 2007. Important items considered by the group include: the status of finalization, adoption, and implementation of the National Actions Plans; the South China Sea Project Regional Training Course on Mangroves; progress in the implementation and completion of the mangrove demonstration site activities; consideration of the regional economic values and total economic values for mangroves; and mangrove component inputs to the revised regional Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea. Please click here to access the report of the Eighth Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Mangroves.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 July 2007 )
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