7th Meeting of the RWG-Seagrass |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Wednesday, 16 August 2006 |
 The Seventh Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Seagrass was convened from 24th-27th July 2006 in Beihai, China. The meeting was attended by all seagrass focal points from the participating countries, two regional seagrass experts, and a number of observers and representatives from news agencies, the Beihai Environmental Protection Office and China’s National Dugong Reserve. Click here to access the report of the meeting.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 31 August 2006 )
7th Meeting of the RWG-Coral Reefs |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Wednesday, 16 August 2006 |
 The Seventh Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Coral Reefs was successfully convened in Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia from 10th-13th July 2006. The meeting was participated in by all project component focal points and one regional expert for the coral reefs sub-component, the Mu Koh Chang Coral Reef Demonstration Site Manager, Mr. Nipat Somkleeb, and the Marine Research Officer of Sabah Parks, Mr. Nasrulhakim bin Maidin. Please click here to access the report of the meeting. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 31 August 2006 )
7th Meeting of the RWG-Wetlands |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Thursday, 22 June 2006 |
 The Seventh Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Wetlands was successfully convened in Manila, Philippines from 19th-21st June. The wetlands focal points from Cambodia, China, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, and the regional wetlands expert, Dr. Sansanee Choowaew, attended the meeting. The meeting discussed and revised the wetland component’s inputs to the Regional Strategic Action Programme (SAP). Please click here to access the report of the meeting. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 31 August 2006 )
2nd Mayors' Roundtable in China |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Thursday, 08 June 2006 |
THE SECOND MAYORS’ ROUNDTABLE SUCCESSFULLY CONCLUDED: SECURING LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT AND PROMOTING EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE AND GOOD PRACTICE The Second Mayors’ Roundtable was successfully concluded in Beihai, Guangxi, China, on 8th June 2006. Four provincial governors, ten mayors, and more than forty national focal points and technical managers and staff from 22 demonstration sites met in Beihai during 6th – 8th June 2006 to exchange their experience and good practice in implementing demonstration site activities and integrating environmental management into local coastal development.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 31 August 2006 )
7th Meeting of the RWG-Fisheries |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Friday, 19 May 2006 |
Establishing a Regional System of Fisheries Refugia The Seventh Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Fisheries was convened from 16th-18th May 2006 in Bangkok, Thailand. All the fisheries focal points from the participating countries, the regional expert, Mr. Somsak Chullasorn, and 3 experts from SEAFDEC, including Dr. Yasuhisa Kato, participated in the meeting.  Ms. Chee Phaik Ean, Head of the Aquatic Ecosystem Section of Malaysia’s Fisheries Research Institute, attended the meeting on behalf of the Malaysian Department of Fisheries. This was the first Regional Working Group on Fisheries meeting at which the Malaysian Department of Fisheries was represented, and the group agreed to accord Ms. Chee the status of full member of the working group. Mr. Nazori Djazuli, Head of the Planning Division of the Secretariat General of Capture Fisheries, participated in the meeting as an observer. Please click here to access the report of the meeting.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 31 August 2006 )
4th Meeting of the RTF-Legal |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Friday, 05 May 2006 |
Promoting Regional Cooperation on Marine Environmental Management in the South China Sea The Fourth Meeting of the Regional Task Force on Legal Matters was successfully convened in Shantou, China, 24th – 27th April 2006. In addition to the Members of the Task Force, the meeting was attended by observers from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Vice Mayor and Vice Secretary General of the People’s Government of Shantou City, and the Director of the Forestry Bureau responsible for mangrove management. Click here to access the report of the meeting. |
South China Sea Training Programme |
Written by Christopher John Paterson
Friday, 17 February 2006 |
At the Sixth Meeting of the Regional Scientific and Technical Committee during December 2005, a small working group comprised of the National Technical Focal Points from Vietnam and the Philippines, and the two expert members Dr. Ong Jin-Eong and Dr. Anond Snidvongs, was formed to discuss an approach to developing the proposal for a training programme in the context of the South China Sea Project. |
Last Updated ( Monday, 28 August 2006 )
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