General Information. Objectives

  • To adopt a region wide basis for the effective assessment of contaminant levels,

  • To establish the ERACL Center and to make it operational in accordance with its functions,

  • To establish a common framework for regional cooperation and coordination on Pollution Assessment and Monitoring,

  • To promote and initiate activities in order to improve Pollution Assessment and Monitoring in the Caspian region,

  • To operate a short-term and long-term plan for the development of the activities of the ERACL Theme in the Caspian region,

  • To prepare inputs to the Trans Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) on Pollution Assessment and Monitoring,

  • To identify Priority Investment Projects (PIP) on Pollution Assessment and Monitoring to be coordinated by the Program Coordinating Unit(PCU),

  • To work towards the establishment of a framework for the Regional Monitoring Program of the Caspian Sea, including Ambient monitoring and Pollution Control Monitoring,

  • To work towards the establishment of a framework for the improvement of data quality and availability for the Caspian Region.




Tasks and Activities

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Theme for Effective Regional Assessment of Contaminant Levels
Department of the Environment (DOE), Marine Environment Bureau
187, Nejatollahi St, PO Box 15875-5181, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Tel.: +9821 8901096
Fax: +9821 8907223
© 2001-2003, CEP