General Information. Tasks and Activities

Objective IB. Programmatic Support of the Caspian Theme

Act. No.

Specific activity planned







Establishment of Theme in Tehran,I.R.Iran 1-Establish ERACL Theme in IR-Iran including arrangements for providing suitable office space, identification and recruitment of personnel, provision of equipment and coordinate with DOE (Iran NFP), following up the relevant national laws and regulations in this. Iran - DOE, Consultant, UNDP, Regional Consultant Jun 1999
Establishment of the Caspian ERACL Working Group 2-Establish the Caspian ERACL Working Group Comprising National Contact Point in each country All NFPs,Regional Consultant,Consultant Jul-Aug 1999
Establishment of the National ERACL Network 3-Establish ERACL National Networks through the ERACL Contact Point in each country CPs, Consultant, Regional Consultant Jul-Aug 1999
Creation of functioning communications and information exchange system linking the Theme, four contact points, the PCU and ISCF 4-Create a functioning communication and information exchange system linking the ERACL with 4 Contact Points , the consultant, the PCU,ISCF and the Iranian NFP PCU, CRTC, CPs, ISCF Jul-Aug 1999
5-Provide close linkages to the TDA activities by collating and contributing data and information on ERACL. Theme Director, Data&Info CRTC Throughout
6-Coordinate ERACL input to the NAPs and SAP by identifying regional and common issues. Regional Consultant, CRTCs, PCU Throughout
7-Establish and maintain close cooperation with other CRTCs, in particular, with Assessment of Transboundary Biodiversity Priorities (ATBP), Strategies to Strengthen Contaminant Abatement and Control Policies and Procedures (CACPP) and Strategies for Sustainable Human Development and Health (HDH) in order to harmonize the common activities and needs, and to prevent from any extra and duplicate practices. Theme director, All other CRTCs Throughout
8-Act as regional focal point for all ERACL and related activities within the CEP Theme Director Throughout

Objective IIA. Effective Regional Assessment of Contaminant Levels


First Meeting of the ERACL Working Group 1-Develop a draft structure and contents for main issues relevant to Monitoring Program in the region consisting of Existing data and information, institutional arrangements, methodology and procedures, capabilities, needs, improvement mechanisms, obstacles, and alike. Theme Director, Consultant, CPs Aug 1999
2- Discuss Draft Work Plan, All issues included in the draft documents or the issues relevant to the meeting objectives. CRTC, CPs Director,Consultant Sep 1999
Evaluate existing data sets, ,needs and data gaps, monitoring programs and monitoring capabilities in each country,  identify and prioritize needs for SAP and NAPs (e.g., baseline monitoring,
compliance monitoring, transboundary impacts)
3-Identify existing institutional arrangements in the region responsible for monitoring program in each country. Assessment of their capabilities, equipment, maintenance practices, manpower, quality control, data handling and management. Director, CRTCs, Consultant, CPs Oct 1999 -Dec 2000
4-Access and review existing data sets, evaluate comprehensiveness and reliability of the data, identify gaps in essential information needs to meet the NAPs and SAP activities. Dat&Info CRTC, CPs, Consultant, PCU Nov 1999 - Jan 2000
5-Identify and describe existing monitoring program concerning baseline or compliance monitoring in each country in coordination with Pollution Control, Biodiversity and Public Health CRTCs following the major components of the environment: water, sediment, biota, soil, air. Assess the existing monitoring programs within the region concerning parameters, locations, frequencies, sea cruise investigation, data quality and reliability, data and information handling and management, identify the gaps in essential parameters (location, time, and ….. ),and prioritize needs for NAPs and SAP actions CRTCs, CPs, PCU, Consultant

Dec 1999-Feb 200

6-Develop a coordinated Regional Monitoring Program with special attention to the Caspian Sea marine environment including the estimated costs of implementation. Director, CRTCs, Consultant, CPs March 2000
7-Development common guidelines and procedures for design, sampling, analysis, quality control, data handling and management for Caspian region baseline environmental monitoring program. CRTCs, Consultants March-May 2000
8-Development a framework plans for the establishment of regional references laboratory with especial consideration on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and preparation of a plan for phased implementation with cost estimate. CRTCs, Consultant Director Apr-May 2000
Identify equipment needs 9-Preparation of equipment needs for each country to upgrade their capabilities in specific chemical analysis, regional capacity to meet the TDA needs and future monitoring program with phased implementation and cost estimate. CRTCs, CPs, Consultant May 2000
Develop common guidelines for regional assessment of contaminants 10-Evaluate existing guidelines and procedures and experience for the assessment of contaminant level in the region, development of common guidelines for regional assessment of contaminant levels, and develop practical regulatory standards for contaminant levels CRTCs, Consultant, CPs May-Jun 2000
11-Identify the needs for better understanding of flow and patterns of contaminants in Caspian Sea marine environment, develop a framework plan for future activities (e.g., non-contaminant data, modeling, and…..) CRTCs, Consultants, CPs May-Jun 2000
Identify training needs and coordinate regional training exercises in monitoring 12-Identify the needs for training, organize and deliver short or long term training courses in needed areas for participants of each country based on findings of existing situation regarding the gaps and priorities Director, Consultant, CRTCs, CPs Jul-Aug 2000


Carry out limited Regional Assessments of contaminants to fill key gaps in TDA needed to formulate strategies and action plans 1- Prepare a draft structure and content through consultant, ERACL contact points and National Networks, based on existing data and information, the key gaps for TDA preparation and standard guidelines Director,Consultant,CPs May-Aug 2000
2-Conduct the planned Regional Assessment through ERACL contact points and consultant and develop draft TDA Director, Consultant, CRTCs, CPs May - Aug 2000
3-Formulate a draft SAP and NAP based on The ERACL, s TDA results for further processes with other contributing CRTCs CRTCs, Consultant, Cps May - Aug 2000
Second meeting of Working Group 4-hold Second meeting of ERACL working group to evaluate the Regional Assessment of contaminant levels, and work on TDA,SAP and NAPs Director, Consultant, CPs Sep 2000
Publish the results of Regional Assessment 5-Prepare the final documents and report concerning the result of the Regional Assessment of Contaminant levels Director,Consultant Oct 2000
6-Publish the guidelines and assessment report and broadly disseminate the results of the regional assessment of contaminant levels Director, Subcontractor Oct 2000


Collaborate with oil and gas industry 1-Identify the oil and gas industry existing in the region; evaluate their type of activities, the area, field and laboratory facilities, monitoring program, and pollution control practices. Identify their willingness and governing laws and regulations in this regard CRTCs, Consultant, PCU Nov 2000- Apr 2001
2-Identify their contribution mechanisms to the Regional Assessment and TDA processes. Prepare a coordinated final plan for oil and gas industry collaboration in this respect. CRTC, Consultant, PCU Nov 2000- Apr 2001


Develop and coordinate pilot monitoring activities 1-Identify the key gaps in monitoring activities based on the evaluation of monitoring system and programs in each country Director, Consultant, CRTCs Nov2000 - Apr 2001
2-Develop and coordinate pilot monitoring activities among the countries, based on the improvement made by providing training and equipment. Emphasize will be given to QA/QC of by means of intercalibration exercises Director, Consultant, CRT's Jun 2000 - Apr 2001
Establish or strengthen links among monitoring facilities throughout the region 3-Evaluate the improvement of each country in monitoring activities concerning their capabilities in high quality data generation. Develop a mechanism to strengthen the links between monitoring facilities throughout the region, for fulfilling the gaps by close collaboration with each other. Director, CRTCs, CPs, Consultant Jul - Dec 2001
Prepare contribute to the SAP and NAPs 4-Prepare a TDA report to be utilized for formulating SAP and NAPs activities and its inter-links with other TDA report Director, Consultant, CRTCs, CPs May - Jun 2001
Prepare and publish the first version of the State of the Caspian Sea Environment 5-Design and perform a program for preparation of the State of the Caspian Sea environment in close cooperation with the Center for Contamination Abatement and Control Policies and Procedures as well as the relevant CRTCs CRTCs, Consultant, Director May - Aug 2001
6-Preparation of a regional guidelines for further development of the State of the Caspian Sea Environment CRTC,Consultant, Director May - Aug 2001
Contribute to the Caspian Geographic Information System (GIS) 7-Identify of the data and information exchange procedures, format applied and data structure needed for geographic information system in close cooperation and coordination with PCU and Regional Information and Data Management Center. Dta&Info Center, PCU, CRTC, Director, Consultant Jun-Jul 2001
8-Design and establishment of data and information and exchange system at ERACL center linked with PCU and Regional Data and Information center Director, Consultant, PCU Aug-Sep 2001
Develop the Contaminants Data Base 9-Develop the Regional Contaminant Database in cooperation with PCU, ERACL national network and Regional Data and Information Management center. Director, Consultant, PCU Sep- Nov 2001
Third Working Group 10-Set up the third ERACL Working Group meeting to review: The result of the Pilot Monitoring Activities, Regional Contaminant Assessment, State of the Caspian Sea Environment, adoption the mechanism of links among monitoring facilities throughout the region and endorse the material to be contributed to SAP and NAPs Director, Consultant, CRTCs, CPs Dec 2001
11-Carry out final editing ,translation ,layout, design, and printing of the publications as well as the state of the Caspian Sea Environment Director, Consultant, PCU March - May 2002




Tasks and Activities

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Theme for Effective Regional Assessment of Contaminant Levels
Department of the Environment (DOE), Marine Environment Bureau
187, Nejatollahi St, PO Box 15875-5181, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Tel.: +9821 8901096
Fax: +9821 8907223
© 2001-2003, CEP