A regional thematic center for Effective Regional Assessment of
Contaminant levels
Strengthened, integrated, harmonized regional monitoring activities
within Caspian region, improved the countries capabilities for high quality contaminants
data generation,
A framework for regional coordinated baseline monitoring program,
A series of training courses in each participating country on
Pollution Monitoring Program and Assessment including methodology, sampling, analysis,
quality control, data handling and management,
New high quality contaminants data and information to fill the gaps
and serve as supplementary inputs to TDA,SAP and NAPs,
A common guidelines and procedures for monitoring in the Caspian
region including methodology, sampling, analysis, quality control, data handling and
A common guideline for regional assessment as well as a practical
regulatory standards for contaminants level,
A framework plan for the establishment of Regional Reference
A report on the State of Caspian Environment and Assessment
A regional contaminant Database linked with National and Regional
Data and Information Centers.
Tasks and Activities