Synoptic Changes

Caspian sea catchment

Scientists now believe that the reason the Earth’s climate is changing – and will continue to do so – is because of the large releases of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere through the various activities of modern times. Climate change models simulating the likely weather inputs for the Caspian Sea region for the year 2050 predict increased rainfall, largely attributable to de[?]creased temperature (because of the “greenhouse effect”). These changes in precipitation will not be uniform in all regions but there is no doubt that alterations to the timing and spatial distribution of rainfall are likely to have large impacts on water resources.


Temperature and
cloud cover

Climate change trends

Changes in evaporation


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Caspian Centre for Water Level Fluctuations,C/o KazNIIMOSK
597 Seifullin Street,480072 Almaty,Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel.: + 7 3272 542289
Fax: + 7 3272 696500
© 2000, CEP
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