Coastal Consequences

There are three approaches to flood mitigation on the shores of the Caspian Sea:

  • utilisation of the KBG and SMKK [names in full] to enhance evaporation;
  • provision of local flood protection to high-value infrastructure;
  • inter-basin transfers, perhaps to the Aral basin.

All such options must be evaluated objectively on the basis of economics, environmental impact and technical feasibility, with benefits and costs integrated over a defined project life.

Evaluation of potential flood damages requires estimates of water level frequency. In the north, this will be the result of combining surge with base sea levels. Expressing flood damages in monetery terms is not easy but there is a body of international experience to assist.

Estimating the costs of alternative mitigation measures is relatively straight forward, requiring only preparation of outline designs and recent construction rates. [delete this last sentence?]

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Sea Levels

Causes of Fluctuations

Coastal Consequences

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Caspian Centre for Water Level Fluctuations,C/o KazNIIMOSK
597 Seifullin Street,480072 Almaty,Republic of Kazakhstan
Tel.: + 7 3272 542289
Fax: + 7 3272 696500
© 2000, CEP
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