A series of mathematical models under preparation by the CC WLF for use in future planning will use climate change as the initial driving force and process the resulting information to predict various scenarios for future changes in sea level. A series of mathematical models under preparation by the CC WLF for use in future planning will use climate change as the initial driving force and process the resulting information to predict various scenarios for future changes in sea level. Need for more work: There are a number of areas in which further work is required to improve the water balance model, and to help develop mitigation strategies. The areas in which further work is required include:
Caspian Centre for Water Level Fluctuations,C/o KazNIIMOSK 597 Seifullin Street,480072 Almaty,Republic of Kazakhstan Tel.: + 7 3272 542289 Fax: + 7 3272 696500 E-mail: caspianlevel@kaznet.kz © 2000, CEP |