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DLIST Online Stakeholder Participation Course

DLIST is offereing the online Stakeholder Participation - For a Better Future Course in conjunction with the Environmental Resources Centre at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). Other partners are the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF).

The course is open to people from all sectors, particularly those involved in stakeholder processes. Groups or individuals are encouraged ro register. There are no entry requirements. Anyone may register and undertake the course.

The aim of the course is two fold. Firstly, it aims to inform those who want to conduct stakeholder participation, how to do so effectively. Secondly, the course is aimed at informing the stakeholders how they can play a more active role in decision making processes. So in actual fact the course is useful to anyone who is interested in the general process of stakeholder participation.

DLIST Benguela has been involved in many activities and processes over the years, from policy processes to youth activities, film festivals to radio broadcasting. In our quest to build and share knowledge and information across all sectors we have always encountered one important aspect… no process will be successful without – the involvement of people and communities. Community participation yields valuable contributions and inputs through the expressions of their views, needs and concerns. A well conceived stakeholder participation process allows groups of individuals to influence the outcome of plans, policies and projects. It is in recognition of this vital role that DLIST has developed the stakeholder participation course.

The first two phases of the course had very successful runs. Both courses lead to interesting discussions among participants and highlighted the need for bringing together a group of people from various sectors to converse with one another, share, and learn about the importance and usefulness of a proper stakeholder participation process. Many of the participants hailed from different sectors, fields of work or study, and interest groups. Most interest was shown from Namibia. The relatively small groups of participants made it easy to interact with one another, discuss content and share their experiences freely and openly within the dedicated course forum that DLIST has set up. Each participant brought their unique experiences to the table and shared ideas on positive and negative experiences and where and how they can be improved.

The first course for 2010 will commence on the 8th February 2010. All you need to partake in the course is fill in the registration form and email or fax back to me by the 26th January 2010. It is open to all who are interested in the general processes of stakeholder participation. Please visit the course page on DLIST at or contact Kashiefa Parker at for more information.

Cleaner Production Course at Polytechnic of Namibia

The reality of global warming is felt all over the world. A major contributor is known to be human activities. We are living in a time of industrialization where ever expanding populations and economies require an increasing need for energy, products and services. The demand in production and expansion places increasing pressure on the earths natural resources and quality of the environment - its water, atmosphere and biodiversity.

Today cleaner production strategies have come about in response to such unsustainable production. It is a country’s or company’s commitment to minimizing waste and environmental air and water pollution associated with industries. In many cases it is aimed at efficient energy use, the utilisation of sustainable input materials, waste minimisation and recycling, a safe, clean and healthy working environment and developing environmentally sound products from the earliest point of production until its disposal.

The Polytechnic of Namibia, in conjunction with the Cape University of Technology have developed an introductory Cleaner Production course to be offered through the Polytechnic of Namibia. The course is particularly aimed at engineering students at an undergraduate level. It covers 5 modules and is offered over the period of one semester.

The course is divided into 2 parts. Upon completion students should well be able to identify:
  • the non-monetary and economical drivers of Cleaner Production
  • the advantages of CP concepts and techniques in a broader environmental and business context
  • the synergy between CP, Lean and other sustainability concepts
  • the CP process to solving business problems relating to waste, environment and resources management
  • evaluate and recommend CP options for different business case studies
  • synthesis CP concepts into business objectives

For more information on the course visit the Online Course page on DLIST or contact Samuel John at