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Application platform

MARIS has been implemented using ArcView system (by ESRI). This means that the datasets are mostly in the form of shape-files and layers and the best way to utilize these datasets is using the ArcView 8 program. With this program it is possible to edit, analyse, visualize and query the datasets in a multitude of ways. The datasets can also be easily used with the older versions of ArcView (ArcView 3.x). Also ArcExplorer, a free application provided by ESRI, can be used to view the datasets. In the development stage of MARIS draft versions of it were distributed on CD-ROMs and to be viewed with these programs.

However, a CD-ROM -based application was considered to be a poor solution. It would cause mailing of new CD-ROMs whenever updates to system were made. Because of this it would inevitably always be out of date to some extent. An internet-based solution on the other hand would be more available to different users and keeping the system up to date would be easier. For this reason a web version of MARIS was created. This web version is also based on an ESRI application, ArcIMS, and is available on this web site.