Variability and Management of LMEs

Variability and Management of Large Marine Ecosystems

Ed. by K. Sherman and L. M. Alexander

AAAS Selected Symposium 99, Westview Press, Boulder. 1986. 319 p.






Part One: Impact of Perturbations on the Productivity of Renewable Resources in Large Marine Ecosystems

Chapter 1

Introduction to Parts One and Two: Large Marine Ecosystems as Tractable Entities for Measurement and Management - by Kenneth Sherman

Chapter 2

Shifts in Resource Populations in Large Marine Ecosystems - by John R. Beddington

Chapter 3

Long-Term Changes in the Baltic Ecosystem - by Gunnar Kullenberg

Chapter 4

Changes in the Biomass of the California Current Ecosystem - by Alec D. MacCall

Chapter 5

Perturbation of a Predator-Controlled Continental Shelf Ecosystem - by Michael P. Sissenwine

Part Two: Measuring Variability in Large Marine Ecosystems

Chapter 6

Definition of Environmental Variability Affecting Biological Processes in Large Marine Ecosystems - by Andrew Bakun

Chapter 7

Variability of the Environment and Selected Fisheries Resources of the Eastern Bering Sea Ecosystem - by Lewis Incze and J. D. Schumacher

Chapter 8

Results of Recent Time-Series Observations for Monitoring Trends in Large Marine Ecosystems with a Focus on the North Sea - by Niels Daan

Chapter 9

Comparison of Continuous Measurements and Point Sampling Strategies for Measuring Changes in Large Marine Ecosystems - by Alex W. Herman

Chapter 10

Measurement Strategies for Monitoring and Forecasting Variability in Large Marine Ecosystems - by Kenneth Sherman

Part Three: Institutional Framework for Managing Large Marine Ecosystems

Chapter 11

Introduction to Part Three: Large Marine Ecosystems as Regional Phenomena - by Lewis M. Alexander

Chapter 12

Legal Constraints and Options for Total Ecosystem Management of Large Marine Ecosystems - by Martin H. Belsky

Chapter 13

Can Large Marine Ecosystems be Managed for Optimum Yield? - by Francis T. Christy, Jr.

Chapter 14

Cost Benefit of Measuring Resource Variability in Large Marine Ecosystems - by Giulio Pontecorvo

Chapter 15

The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources: A Model for Large Marine Ecosystem Management - by R. Tucker Scully, William Y. Brown, and Bruce S. Manheim

Chapter 16

Very Large Ecosystems: From the Research Administrator's Point of View - by Robert L. Edwards

Chapter 17

Large Marine Ecosystems and the Future of Ocean Studies: A Perspective - by John Byrne