Papers Delivered at ICES Annual Meetings 1976 to 2003 on Ichthyoplankton, Zooplankton, early life history, spawning, predator prey relationships, hydrography, and Large Marine Ecosystems


1. Sherman, K., L. Sullivan, et al. (1976). Changes in the availability of food of larval herring in Maine coastal waters, ICES C.M.1976/L:38

2. Sherman, K., ed. (1977). The Argo Merchant oil spill and fishery resources of Nantucket Shoals: A preliminary assessment of impact, ICES C.M. 1977/E:58.

3. Sherman, K., R. Maurer, et al. (1977). Relationship between larval fish communities and zooplankton prey species in an offshore spawning ground, ICES C.M.1977/L:28.

4. Sherman, K., E. Cohen, et al. (1978). Food requirements of fish stocks of the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank and adjacent waters. ICES C.M. 1978/Gen:8 (Symposium).

5. Sherman, K., L. Sullivan, et al. (1978). Pulses in the abundance of zooplankton prey of fish on the continental shelf off New England. ICES C.M.1978/L:25.

6. Sherman, K. (1978). Ecological implications of biomass changes in the Northwest Atlantic. ICES C.M.1978/L:24.

7. Sherman, K., C. Jones, et al. (1979). Zooplankton of continental shelf nursery and feeding grounds of pelagic and demersal fish in the Northwest Atlantic. ICES C.M.1979/L:27.

8. Sherman, K., D. Bearse, et al. (1979). "Variations in the zooplankton biomass of Georges Bank: Spring 1976 and 1977." ICES Annales Biologiques 34: 87-89.

9. Sherman, K. (1979). Report of the ICES Working Group on Larval Fish Distribution. ICES C.M.1979/L:10

10. Sherman, K. (1979). Report on ICES Early Life History Symposium. ICES C.M.1979/Gen.

11. Sherman, K., Acting Chair (1981). "Biological Oceanography Committee. Report on 68th Statutory Meeting." Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Reunions, Conseil International pour L'Exploration de la Mer 1980:86-95.

12. National Marine Fisheries Service.Sherman, K. and C. Jones (1980). The zooplankton component of a Northwest Atlantic ecosystem. ICES C.M.1981/L:28.

13. Sherman, K., R. Maurer, et al. (1981). "Relationship between larval fish communities and zooplankton prey species in an offshore spawning ground." Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Réunions, Conseil International pour L'Exploration de la Mer 178: 289-294.

14. Sherman, K. and R. Lasker (1981). "Introduction and background." Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Reunions, Conseil International pour L'Exploration de la Mer 178: 888-vi.

15. Sherman, K., R. Maurer, et al. (1981). "Relationship between larval fish communities and zooplankton prey species in an offshore spawning ground." Rapports et Proces-verbaux des Réunions, Conseil International pour L'Exploration de la Mer 178: 289-294.

16. Sherman, K., Chairperson (1982). Report of the Working Group on Larval Fish Ecology to the Biological oceanography committee of ICES, Lowestoft, England, 3-6 July 1981. ICES C.M.1982/L:3.

17. Sherman, K., W. G. Smith, et al. (1983). Spawning strategies of fishes in relation to circulation, phytoplankton production, and pulses in zooplankton off the northeastern United States. ICES C.M. 1983/L:28.

18. Berman, M., K. Sherman, et al. (1984). Applications of image analysis to the marine ecosystems studies. ICES C.M.1984/L:8.

19. Sherman, K., Chairman (1984). Report of activities of the ICES Biological Oceanography Committee, 1983. ICES C.M.1984/L:1.

20. Sherman, K., Chairman (1984). Report of activities of the ICES Biological Oceanography committee, 1984. ICES C.M.1984/L:37.

21. Sherman, K., Chairman (1985). Report of the activities of the ICES Biological Oceanography Committee, 1984. ICES C.M.1985/L:1.

22. Cornillon, P., S. Ghosh, et al. (1986). Time-series analysis of thermal structure in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank in relation to biological variability. ICES C.M.1986/L:21. 5p.

23. Sherman, K., Chairman (1986). Report of activities of the ICES Biological Oceanography Committee, 1985. ICES C.M.1986/L:1

24. Sherman, K. and G. D. Grice (1987). Report of Activities, Biological Oceanography Committee. ICES C.m. 1987/L:1. 8p.

25. Sherman, K., Chairman (1987). Report of the working group on larval fish ecology to the Biological Oceanography Committee of ICES, Hirtshals, Denmark 17-19 June 1987. ICES C.M. 1987/L:28.

26. Sherman, K. (1987). Large marine ecosystems as global units for recruitment experiments. ICES C.M.1987/L:38.

27. Sherman, K., J. Jossi, et al. (1990). Comparative stability of zooplankton communities of the northeast U.S. shelf ecosystem and the North Sea ecosystem in relation to climatic variability, ICES C.M. 1990/L:23.

28. Sherman, K. (1990). Large marine ecosystems global units for management: An ecological perspective. ICES C.M. 1990/L:24.

29. Sherman, K., Co-chairman (1991). GLOBEC--NW Atlantic Study., Appendix to C.M. 1991/G:78.

30. Sherman, K., J. Green, et al. (1991). Annual variability in temperature linked calanoid dominance of the Northeast Shelf Ecosystem, ICES C.M.1991/L:10

31. Sherman, K. (1991). Stress, mitigation, and sustainability of biomass yields in large marine ecosystems. ICES C.M. 1991/L:12.

32. Sherman, K. and A. R. Solow (1992). The changing states and health of a large marine ecosystem. ICES C.M. 1992/L:38 Session V.

33. Sherman, K., J. Green, et al. (1994). Zooplankton prey field variability during collapse and recovery of pelagic fish in the Northeast Shelf Ecosystem. ICES C.M.1994/L:18.

34. Sherman, K. (1994). Sustainability, biomass yields, and health of coastal ecosystems: An ecological perspective. ICES C.M. 1994/L:19.

35. Sherman, K., J. Jossi, et al. (1995). Zooplankton and fisheries of the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem. ICES C.M. 1995/L:18.

36. Sherman, K. and A. Solow (1996). Modular strategies for assessing the changing states of large marine ecosystems. ICES C.M. 1996/P:2, 20p.

37. Sherman, K., A. Solow, et al. (1996). Emergent patterns of zooplankton biodiversity within the Northeast Shelf ecosystem. ICES C.M. 1996/L:18, 24p.

38. Sherman, K. (1997). A modular approach to the monitoring and assessment of Large Marine Ecosystems. ICES C.M. 1997/EE:15.

39. Sherman, K. and A. Duda (1999). A strategic approach to marine ecosystems management [ICES C.M. 1999/Z:11]. ICES 1999 Annual Science Conference. Stockholm, Sweden.

40. Pauly, D., V. Christensen, K.Sherman et al. (2000). "Mapping fisheries onto marine ecosystems: A proposal for a consensus approach for regional, oceanic and global integrations." ICES C.M.2000/T:14.

41. Sherman, K., J. Kane, et al. (2000). Zooplankton as an ecological indicator in a fish stock recovery assessment. ICES C.M.2000/M:19.

42. Sherman, K. (2001). Application of medium term strategies for ecosystem-based management. ICES CM2001/R:05.

43. Sherman, K. (2003). Physical, biological and human forcing of biomass yields in large marine ecosystems. ICES CM2003/P:12.24-27. Tallin, Estonia.