LME Patterns Processes YieldsLarge Marine Ecosystems: Patterns, Processes, and Yields

Ed. by K. Sherman, L. M. Alexander, and B. D. Gold

AAAS Press, Washington, DC. 1990; 2nd printing 1992. 242 p.







Part I: Perturbations and Yields of Large Marine Ecosystems

Introduction to I: Perturbations and Yields of Large Marine Ecosystems - by K. Sherman.

Chapter 1

The Weddell Sea: A High Polar Ecosystem - by Gotthilf Hempel

Chapter 2

Environmental Influence on Recruitment and Biomass Yields in the Norwegian Sea Ecosystem - by Bjornar Ellertsen, Petter Fossum, Per Solemdal, Svein Sundby, and Snorre Tilseth

Chapter 3

Fluctuation in the Cod Biomass of the West Greenland Sea Ecosystem in Relation to Climate - by Holger Hovgård and Erik Buch

Chapter 4

The Caribbean Sea: A Large Marine Ecosystem in Crisis - by William J. Richards and James A. Bohnsack

Chapter 5

Productivity and Fisheries Potential of the Banda Sea Ecosystem - by Jenne J. Zijlstra and Martien A. Baars

Part II: Biodynamics of Large Marine Ecosystems

Introduction to Part Two: Biodynamics of Large Marine Ecosystems - by B. J. Rothschild

Chapter 6

Biodynamics of the sea: Preliminary Observations on High Dimensionality and the Effect of Physics on Predator-Prey Interrelationships - by B. J. Rothschild and T. R. Osborn

Chapter 7

Physical-Optical-Biological Scales Relevant to Recruitment in Large Marine Ecosystems - by Thomas D. Dickey

Chapter 8

Direct Simulation of the Effects of Turbulence on Planktonic Contact Rates - by Thomas Osborn, Hidekatsu Yamazaki, and Kyle Squires

Chapter 9

Application of Molecular Techniques to the Study of Recruitment Problems - by Dennis Powers, Fred Allendorf, and Thomas T. Chen

Chapter 10

Application of Image Analysis in Demographic Studies of Marine Zooplankton of Large Marine Ecosystems - by Mark S. Berman

Chapter 11

Growth, Survival, and Recruitment in Large Marine Ecosystems - by Geoffrey C. Laurence

Chapter 12

Perspectives on Larval Fish Ecology and Recruitment Processes: Probing the Scales of Relationships - by Christopher T. Taggart and Kenneth T. Frank

Part Three: Theory and Management of Large Marine Ecosystems

Introduction to Part III: Theory and Management of Large Marine Ecosystems - by L. M. Alexander and B. D. Gold

Chapter 13

Scaling Pattern and Process in Marine Ecosystems - by Robert E. Ricklefs

Chapter 14

Physical and Biological Scales, and the Modelling of Predator-Prey Interactions in Large Marine Ecosystems - by Simon Levin

Chapter 15

Biomass Potential of Large Marine Ecosystems: A Systems Approach - by Nicholas J. Bax and Taivo Laevastu

Chapter 16

Productivity, Perturbations, and Options for Biomass Yields - by Kenneth Sherman

Chapter 17

Geographic Perspectives in the Management of Large Marine Ecosystems - by Lewis M. Alexander

Chapter 18

Interrelationships of Science and Law in the Management of Large Marine Ecosystems - by Martin H. Belsky