LME Stress Sustainability ManagementLarge Marine Ecosystems: Stress, Mitigation, and Sustainability

Ed. by K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander, and B. D. Gold.

AAAS Press, Washington, DC. 1993. 376 p.







Part I--Sustainability of Large Marine Ecosystems

Chapter 1

Large Marine Ecosystems as Global Units for Marine Resources Management: An Ecological Perspective - by Kenneth Sherman

Chapter 2

The Large Marine Ecosystem Approach to Regional Seas Action Plans and Conventions: A Geographic Perspective - by Arthur Lyon Dahl

Chapter 3

Scientific and Organizational Aspects of LME Research - by Gotthilf Hempel and Kenneth Sherman

Chapter 4

Application of Large Marine Ecosystems Management for Pollution Driven Systems - by Alasdair McIntyre

Chapter 5

Application of International Global Change Research Programs, Including GLOBEC, to Long-Term Large Marine Ecosystems Management - by Michael R. Reeve

Chapter 6

Approaches to Forecasting Biomass Yields in Large Marine Ecosystems - by Simon Levin

Part II--Regional Case Studies: Stress and Mitigation of Large Marine Ecosystems

Chapter 7

Long-Term Variability in the Food Chains, Biomass Yield, and Oceanography of the Bay of Bengal Ecosystem - by S. N. Dwivedi

Chapter 8

Effects of Physical and Biological Changes on the Biomass Yield of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem - by Jurgen Alheit and Patricio Bernal

Chapter 9

Food Chains, Physical Dynamics, Perturbations, and Biomass Yields of the Sea of Okhotsk - by V. V. Kuznetsov, V. P. Shuntov, and L. A. Borets

Chapter 10

Effects of Long-Term Physical and Biological Perturbations of the Contemporary Biomass Yields of the Yellow Sea Ecosystem - by Qisheng Tang

Chapter 11

Long-Term Variability in the Food Chains, Biomass Yields, and Oceanography of the Canary Current Ecosystem - by Carlos Bas

Chapter 12

The Large Marine Ecosystems of Shelf Areas in the Gulf of Guinea: Long-Term Variability Induced by Climatic Changes - by Denis Binet and Emile Marchal

Chapter 13

Ecological and Fishing Features of the Adriatic Sea - by Giovanni Bombace

Chapter 14

Contrast between Recent Fishery Trends and Evidence for Nutrient Enrichment in Two Large Marine Ecosystems: The Mediterranean and the Black Seas - by John Caddy

Chapter 15

Stratified Models of Large Marine Ecosystems: A General Approach and an Application to the South China Sea - by Daniel Pauly and Villy Christensen

Chapter 16

Marine Biogeographic Provinces of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas - by G. Carleton Ray and Bruce P. Hayden

Chapter 17

Effects of Climatic Changes on the Biomass Yield of the Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, and West Greenland Large Marine Ecosystems - by Johan Blindheim and Hein Rune Skjoldal

Chapter 18

The California Current, Benguela Current, and Southwestern Atlantic Shelf Ecosystems: A Comparative Approach to Identifying Factors Regulating Biomass Yields - by Andrew Bakun

Part III--Sustainability and Management of Large Marine Ecosystems

Chapter 19

Regional Approach to Large Marine Ecosystems - by Lewis Alexander

Chapter 20

Legal Regimes for Management of Large Marine Ecosystems and Their Component Resources - by Martin Belsky

Chapter 21

Ocean Management and the Large Marine Ecosystem Concept: Taking the Next Step - by Robert W. Knecht and Biliana Cicin-Sain

Chapter 22

Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources - by R. Tucker Scully

Chapter 23

Simulation Study of Effects of Closed Areas to All Fishing with Particular Reference to the North Sea Ecosystem - by Niels Daan

Chapter 24

Research and Management in the Northern California Current Ecosystem - by Daniel L. Bottom, Kim K. Jones, Jeffrey D. Rodgers, and Robin F. Brown

Chapter 25

Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier Reef as a Large Marine Ecosystem - by Graeme Kelleher

Chapter 26

Role of National Political Factors in the Management of LMEs: Evidence from West Africa - by Victor Prescott

Chapter 27

Large Marine Ecosystems of the Pacific Rim - by Joseph R. Morgan

Part IV--Technology Applications to the Monitoring Process in Large Marine Ecosystems

Chapter 28

Applications of Advanced Acoustic Technology in Large Marine Ecosystems Studies - by D. V. Holliday

Chapter 29

Application of MolecularTechniques to Large Marine Ecosystems - by Dennis A. Powers

Chapter 30

Application of Satellite Remote Sensing and Optical Buoys/Moorings to LME Studies - by James A. Yoder and Graciela Garcia-Moliner