Sustaining LMEsSustaining Large Marine Ecosystems: The Human Dimension

Hennessey, T.M. and J.G. Sutinen, eds.

Large Marine Ecosystem Series. Elsevier Science. The Netherlands.371p.







Part I. Large Marine Ecosystems, Social Science Theory and LME Management Methodology

Chapter 1

Large marine ecosystem approach for assessment and management of ocean coastal waters - by K. Sherman

Chapter 2

The human dimension in ecosystem management: Institutional performance and the Sea Grant paradigm - by R. Baird

Chapter 3

Assessing and monitoring the human dimensions of LMEs-A framework - by J. Sutinen et al.

Chapter 4

Governance profiles and the management of the uses of LMEs - by L. Juda and T. Hennessey

Chapter 5

A total capital approach to management of large marine ecosystems: Case studies of two natural resource disasters - by C. Dyer and J. .Poggie

Chapter 6

Ownership of multi-attribute fishery resources in large marine ecosystems - by S. Edwards

Part II. Economic activity and the cost of ownership

Chapter 7

Economic activity associated with the Northeast Shelf large marine ecosystem: Application of an input-output approach - by P. Hoagland, D. Jin, E. Thunberg, and S. Steinback

Chapter 8

Portfolio management of fish communities in large marine ecosystems - by S. Edwards, J. Link and B Rountree

Chapter 9

Fish habitat: A valuable ecosystem asset - by H. Upton and J. Sutinen

Chapter 10

The economic values of Atlantic herring in the Northeast Shelf large marine ecosystem - by J.H. Cho, J. Gates, P. Logan, A. Kitts, and M. Soboil

Chapter 11

Eutrophication in the Northeast Shelf large marine ecosystem: Linking hydrodynamic and economic models for benefit estimation - by T. Grigalunas, J. Opaluch, J. Diamantides and D-S. Woo

Chapter 12

Valuing large marine ecosystem fishery losses because of disposal of sediments: A case study - by T. Grigalunas, J. Opaluch, M. Luo

Chapter 13

Emergence of a science policy-based approach to ecosystem-oriented management of large marine ecosystems - by F. Gable

Chapter 14

Applications of the large marine ecosystem approach toward World Summit targets - by A. Duda and K. Sherman

Chapter 15

The evolution of LME management regimes: The role of adaptive governance - by T. Hennessey

Chapter 16

An evaluation of the modular approach to the assessment and management of large marine ecosystems - by H. Wang