Sustaining the World's LMEsSustaining the World's Large Marine Ecosystems

Sherman, K., Aquarone, M.C. and Adams, S. (Editors) 2009.
Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. viii+142p.







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Chapter 1

GEF Support for the Global Movement toward the Improved Assessment and Management of Large Marine Ecosystems – by Alfred M. Duda

Chapter 2

Indicators of Changing States of Large Marine Ecosystems – by Kenneth Sherman, Igor Belkin, Sybil Seitzinger, Porter Hoagland, Di Jin, Marie-Christine Aquarone, Sally Adams

Chapter 3

Ocean Governance in the Benguela Large Marine Ecosystem – Establishing the Benguela Current Commission – by Michael O'Toole

Chapter 4

The Recovery and Sustainability of the Baltic Sea Large Marine Ecosystem – by Jan Thulin

Chapter 5

Changing States of the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem: Anthropogenic Forcing and Climate Impacts – by Qisheng Tang

Chapter 6

Some Considerations of Fisheries Management in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem – by Mark Walton and Yihang Jiang

Chapter 7

The IUCN Support of Marine Protected Area Sites within Large Marine Ecosystems – by James Oliver, Carl Gustaf Lundin, Dan Laffoley

Chapter 8

Future Needs of the LME Approach Worldwide – by Gotthilf Hempel

Chapter 9

Outreach and Education for Ecosystem-based Management in the World's Large Marine Ecosystems – by Marie-Christine Aquarone

Annex: Published Volumes in the Large Marine Ecosystem Series