Strategic Goals

  • Develop and strengthen strategic alliances with selected priority multilateral and regional institutional partners
    • Discuss, draft, and/or revise and update Cooperation Agreements and MOUs with institutional partners
    • Carry out Programmatic Exchanges
    • Organize visits of staff and heads of institutions
    • Participate in annual and other relevant meetings of selected key partner institutions
  • Develop and carry out joint activities in key issue areas with selected priority multilateral and regional institutional partners
    • Design, organize and execute joint conferences and projects
    • Suggest and develop collaborative programs in areas of common institutional interest and focus
    • Facilitate the contribution and participation of the OAS technical units to joint institutional activities
  • Coordinate and promote institutional knowledge and institutional relations within the OAS Secretariat and between the OAS Secretariat and multilateral and regional institutional partners
    • Research and disseminate information on new programs and publications, and on forthcoming events of note in partner institutions
    • Research summarize and disseminate outcome of annual meetings of priority partner institutions
    • Create files and Cooperation Profile notes on selected priority multilateral and regional institutions for the DIA/SER public folders
    • Keep up-to-date the Institutional Relations section of the DIA website