Publication list by date

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ELTIS: Mobility management for disabled people (Print)
May 2007

ELTIS, the European Local Transport Information Service, is a web portal providing news and information on sustainable mobility. The Case Studies section of the website (

ELTIS: Better night bus service for Budapest (Print)
May 2007

ELTIS, the European Local Transport Information Service, is a web portal providing news and information on sustainable mobility. The Case Studies section of the website (

ELTIS: Safe and environment-friendly ways to school: The Traffic Snake Game (Print)
May 2007

ELTIS, the European Local Transport Information Service, is a web portal providing news and information on sustainable mobility. The Case Studies section of the website (

ELTIS: Walking and cycling to improve health levels (Print)
May 2007

ELTIS, the European Local Transport Information Service, is a web portal providing news and information on sustainable mobility. The Case Studies section of the website (

Transboundary Cooperation through the Management of Shared Natural Resources (Print)
May 2007

The project Transboundary Cooperation through the Management of Shared Natural Resources was a cross-border project addressing challenges in remote areas. The project was instrumental in bringing people together, developing dialogue and trust,...

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