Publication list by date

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Cabri Volga Brief (Print)
March 2007

The semi-annual newsletter Cabri Volga Brief seeks to raise awareness of the Volga region by publishing the views of a variety of stakeholders, disseminating the results and achievements of the Cabri-Volga project, and sharing policy news and...

Guidelines on Progress Monitoring and Benchmarking (Print)
March 2007

This publication provides guidelines on progress monitoring, benchmarking and the use of environmental compliance and enforcement indicators. The guidelines are targeted at inspectorates from South Eastern Europe but are transferable to other...

Bringing NGOs into the Flow brochures (Print)
February 2007

The Danube Regional Project (DRP) was launched in 2001 in cooperation with 13 national signatories of the Danube River Protection Convention, Danube NGOs, the EU and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). The...

Directions for Developing Sustainable Agriculture in Serbian Municipalities of West Stara Planina (Print)
December 2006

From September 2001, West Stara Planina was one of the three cross-border regions targeted in the REC project Transboundary Cooperation through the Management of Shared Natural Resources. The main project objectives in West Stara Planina were: 1)...

NGO Directory of South Eastern Europe (Print)
December 2006

The directory includes entries for environmental NGOs in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (as defined under UNSCR 1244), the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. It also contains the main findings of an...

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