Publication list by date

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Assistance in Environmental Law Drafting in South Eastern Europe (Print)
December 2003

The REC’s Environmental Law Programme carried out work with the REC’s country and field offices as part of the Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme for South Eastern Europe (REReP) through the project Assistance in...

Aarhus Meets Kyoto (Print)
December 2003

This publication explores the implications of the Aarhus Convention for the Central and Eastern European region. It analyses public participation in six countries – Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia – based on...

Progress in Environmental Law Drafting in South Eastern Europe (Print)
November 2003

The overall goal of this report is to provide a regional overview of environmental law progress in South Eastern Europe  as a tool to boost regional cooperation, foster the exchange of outputs and encourage the development of informed...

Assessing Environmental Law Drafting Needs in South Eastern Europe (Print)
November 2003

The aim of this report was to assist countries in the region of South Eastern Europe with the legislative steps to be taken in environmental law in order to prepare for future accession to the European Union. The report covers Albania, Bosnia...

Developing a Priority Environmental Investment Programme for South Eastern Europe (Print)
October 2003

This report was prepared by the REC within the framework of the Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme for South Eastern Europe (REReP). As the main output of the REReP 1.2 project Assistance in Priority Environmental Investment...

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