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A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead produces brine which encourages mixing and convection

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A schematic diagram showing the inflow from the Mackenzie River trapped in the nearshore zone beneath the landfast ice Beyond the stamukhi zone, intermittent opening and refreezing in the flaw lead produces brine which encourages mixing and convection
Sources | Title (cont.) Numbers in lower panel are salinity values. Macdonald, R.W. and E.C. Carmack, 1991. The role of large-scale under-ice topography in separating estuary and ocean on an Arctic shelf. Atmosphere-Ocean 29(1): 37-53. (AAR Figure 3.31) | ||||
Cartographer/ Designer |
Graphical production: Philippe Rekacewicz and Emmanuelle Bournay (GRID-Arendal) | ||||
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AMAP Assessment Report: Arctic Pollution Issues |
Published | 1998 | ||||
Feedback/Comment/Inquiry | Contact webmaster | ||||
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