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Recommendations adopted

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/4: Amendments to Annex III “Criteria and measures concerning the prevention of pollution from land-based sources” of the 1992 Helsinki Convention

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/5: Municipal wastewater treatment

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/6: On-site wastewater treatment of single family homes, small businesses and settlements up to 300 person equivalents (p.e.)

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/7: Measures aimed at the substitution of polyphosphates (phosphorus) in detergents

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/8: Environmentally friendly practices for the reduction and prevention of emissions of dioxins and other hazardous substances from small-scale combustion

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/9: Development of broad-scale marine spatial planning principles in the Baltic Sea area

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/10: Application of the no-special-fee system to ship-generated wastes and marine litter caught in fishing nets in the Baltic Sea area

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/11: Further measures to improve the safety of navigation in ice conditions in the Baltic Sea

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/12: Strengthening of sub-regional co-operation in response field

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/13: Introducing economic incentives as a complement to existing regulations to reduce emissions from ships

HELCOM Recommendation 28E/14: Development of harmonised principles for quantifying diffuse losses throughout the Baltic sea catchment area