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Project for elaboration of HELCOM Red List of Species and Habitats/Biotopes 2008-2012


The aims of the project are to produce complete species lists and threat assessments for the following species groups (under water and swimming on the water) according to the IUCN criteria:

  • macrophytes,

  • benthic invertebrates,

  • water birds,

  • fish (including migratory) and lamprey species (updating the existing HELCOM Red list of fish and lamprey species (BSEP No. 109)), and

  • marine mammals

The project will also update the underwater part of the HELCOM Red list of Baltic Sea biotopes and biotope complexes (BSEP No. 75). This includes the adoption of a system to be used to classify underwater biotope types and complexes as well as to adopt harmonized and appropriate criteria for the threat assessments. 

The project will last five years, from 2008 to 2012, and be carried out by a specialist team for each species group and for the biotopes.



Ms. Maria Laamanen
Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat
Tel. +358 46 850 9198
E-mail: maria.laamanen@helcom.fi

Ms. Tytti Kontula
Project Manager of HELCOM RED LIST
HELCOM Secretariat
Tel. +358 400 329 156

E-mail: tytti.kontula@helcom.fi