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HELCOM Phytoplankton Expert Group (HELCOM PEG)

Quality assurance of phytoplankton monitoring in the Baltic Sea in 2008-2010


The main target of the HELCOM Phytoplankton Expert Group (HELCOM PEG) is to insure and maintain high quality standard of the international Baltic regional phytoplankton monitoring within the HELCOM COMBINE Programme (Cooperative Monitoring in the Baltic Environment).


Quality assurance of data is an important component of the HELCOM monitoring programme, and measures were early taken to evaluate and improve the recommended methods through intercalibrations between the different partners. In 1991 HELCOM PEG was established, with the main aim to unify methods of collection, counting and identification of phytoplankton species. Since accurate biomass estimates are important in phytoplankton monitoring, PEG has also made considerable efforts to standardise size-classes and biovolumes of phytoplankton species found in the Baltic Sea. The use of a standardised species list with fixed size-classes and biovolumes is a decisive measure to improve the quality of the phytoplankton counting method and the comparability of results.


The main activity for the HELCOM phytoplankton expert group is carried out at the annual workshops. To insure and maintain a high quality standard of the international Baltic regional phytoplankton monitoring following actions are taken:

  • Training courses are arranged to maintain continuity in phytoplankton identification and counting, partly because a new generation of phytoplankton researchers is currently joining the PEG. The courses is also arranged to follow recent changes in taxonomy of problematic and important phytoplankton groups in order to keep the PEG Phytoplankton list up to date.

  • Intercalibrations are regularly arranged to insure high standard of phytoplankton monitoring in the Baltic Sea. In addition to the intercomparison between the laboratories, the intercalibrations will also check the general methodology, especially the influence of counting chamber volume and selected counting areas on the results. The intercalibration reports are sent to HELCOM.

  • Harmonisation of sampling, counting, treatment and reporting procedures is carried out in order to unify sampling and counting method and to update the phytoplankton monitoring manual within COMBINE.

  • Maintain and update the biovolume file by adding new species and size classes when necessary.

  • Compose indicators fact sheets (IFS) about phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea.

Consistency with HELCOM priorities

In this project the HELCOM priorities are met by assuring that the quality of the phytoplankton data is high enough to evaluate effects of eutrophication, changes in biodiversity and long-term trends. This data is for example crucial for the work with the EU Water Frame Directive.


Regular tasks will be discussed during all annual workshops, especially discussion of new species and size classes occurred in last years samples. The place of the workshop will be circulated between the Contracting Parties and their marine laboratories.

Specific tasks for the separate workshops are:

Workshop 2009

The training course on green algae, was carried out in April 2009 by Prof. Lothar Krienitz, Germany. Samples from different coastal areas of the Baltic Sea were analysed jointly and by the guidance of the teacher; the species identification was compared. A final assessment and discussion on the intercalibration of the previous year and consequences for the future work was done. The workshop was held in Kiel, Germany.

Workshop 2010

During the workshop in 2010, a training course on diatoms will be conducted by Dr. Vaclav Houk, the author of a new monograph on Melosira and specialist on the centric diatoms. Dr. Houk is member of the algological school of our previous teacher Prof. Komárek in České Budějovice, Check Republic. Diatoms from different areas of the Baltic Sea will be analysed jointly and the species identification will be compared. The Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology will arrange this meeting in Riga.

Useful links to the products of HELCOM PEG

Biovolume file, with biovolumes and fixed size-classes used for the calculation of phytoplankton biomass in routine monitoring of Baltic Sea phytoplankton (excel file on ICES web site, updated 2009). For geometrical shapes used, see Olenina et al 2006. Note that the above Excel-file of biovolumes should be used both for species and biovolume list in routine monitoring of Baltic Sea phytoplankton.

Phytoplankton sampling and analysis is carried out according to the Phytoplankton monitoring manual within the HELCOM COMBINE.

View HELCOM phytoplankton sampling stations on a map or via an interactive GIS map service.

Protocols of PEG meetings

HELCOM Indicator fact sheets about phytoplankton, produced by PEG:

Checklist of Baltic Sea Phytoplankton Species (Hällfors 2004). Species reported from the Baltic Sea until 2004.


image gallery.jpg 

Image gallery of Baltic phytoplankton species

IOW-photo gallery of phytoplankton

Baltic Sea Portal – Photos of Baltic Sea Phytoplankton

Checklist of phytoplankton in the Skagerrak-Kattegat

Polish image gallery


Other useful links to phytoplankton web sites

On-line database on cyanobacterial genera (http://www.cyanodb.cz)

Dinoflagellates – Centers of Excellence for Dinophyte Taxonomy

Plankton net



Chair 2009-2010

Dr. Andres Jaanus
Estonian Marine Institute
Tartu University
Mäealuse 10A
EE-12618 Tallinn, Estonia
Tel: +372 6718974
E-mail: andres@sea.ee


HELCOM Secretariat

Ms. Maria Laamanen
Professional Secretary
HELCOM Secretariat
Tel: +358 46 850 9198
E-mail: maria.laamanen@helcom.fi

Contracting Parties and laboratories











Last updated 11 January 2010