INPRINT Newsletter 2010

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To keep researchers, the LOICZ community and others informed on developments within LOICZ, the IPO produces a newsletter: LOICZ INPRINT. If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter please fill in the form “Newsletter subscription” and indicate how you wish to receive the newsletter by choosing one of the following options: 1. As a hard copy 2. By receiving an e-mail alert when the newsletter is available on the website

Inprint 2010/1 Inprint 2010/1


::Scientific Highlights: Mechanisms of sediment retention in estuaries,
::The Wadden Academy: Connecting Science and Policy in the Wadden Sea Region
::LOICZ-Affiliated Activities: KnowSeas – Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas/
::“Coastal Risks and Sea-Level Rise” Research Group of Future Ocean Excellence Cluster
::PT3: 2009 Amsterdam Conference on Earth System Governance
::SSC News: New SSC Members welcome on board!
::New LOICZ Regional Node for South Asia opened in Chennai, India
::LOICZ/UNEP Workshop on Deltas: Coastal Vulnerability and Management
::IPO Notes: 21. LOICZ SSC Meeting in Chennai, India / East Asian Seas Congress 2009, Manila/
::Storm Surges Congress 2010/ Final Symposium of the LOICZ-affiliated Project “Coastal Futures”
::Coastal Snapshot: South Indian glimpses and cultural historical footprints /
Mamallapuram: the town which hosted the 21. LOICZ Scientific Steering Committee Meeting

Note that the deadline for items to be printed in the next edition is on 30 July, 2010


Issue Content
LOICZ INPRINT 2010/1 - Scientific Highlights: Mechanisms of sediment retention in estuaries, /The Wadden Academy: Connecting Science and Policy in the Wadden Sea Region /LOICZ-Affiliated Activities: KnowSeas – Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas/ “Coastal Risks and Sea-Level Rise” Research Group of Future Ocean Excellence Cluster /PT3: 2009 Amsterdam Conference on Earth System Governance /SSC News: New SSC Members welcome on board! /New LOICZ Regional Node for South Asia opened in Chennai, India /LOICZ/UNEP Workshop on Deltas: Coastal Vulnerability and Management /IPO Notes: 21. LOICZ SSC Meeting in Chennai, India / East Asian Seas Congress 2009, Manila/ Storm Surges Congress 2010/ Final Symposium of the LOICZ-affiliated Project “Coastal Futures” /Coastal Snapshot: South Indian glimpses and cultural historical footprints / Mamallapuram: the town which hosted the 21. LOICZ Scientific Steering Committee Meeting