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LOICZ Podcast in dtsch. ist online.
The focus of the South Asia node is to bring together a large network of individuals and institutions involved in coastal research under the umbrella of LOICZ in India and other Asian countries.
13 - 17 September 2010, Hamburg, Germany.
LOICZ Dahlem-Type Workshop in Kjeller,Norway, 15. - 19. June, 2009 Previous LOICZ SSC's gave their vast experience to LOICZ , on record:
Międzyzdroje, Island of Wolin, Poland, 14 to 18 June 2010 [read more]
Dynamics and Vulnerability of Delta Systems Irina Overeem and James P. M. Syvitski
Update on the Rapid Assessment on Biofuels and Environment The executive summary is now available online.
Enhanced ocean carbon storage from anaerobic alkalinity generation in coastal sediments