PROJECT NAME | Carbon Retention in a Colored Ocean |
DURATION | January 1, 1995 - September 30, 2013 |
PROJECT WEBSITE | Link to project website |
LOICZ PROJECT DATABASE | Click here for more project information |
The CARIACO program was initiated in November 1995 with funding from the US National Science Foundation and the Venezuelan CONICIT. The primary objective is to study the relationship between surface biogeochemical processes and the vertical fluxes of carbon and nutrients in a continental margin setting influenced by seasonal upwelling.
In CARIACO we seek to address carbon and nutrient fluxes at a tropical continental margin ecosystem since these systems have generally been neglected in global studies. We also take advantage of the quiescent and anoxic nature of deeper waters in this basin, which effectively serves as a natural sediment trap. In this system, large-scale processes influence surface water-column characteristics and in turn lead to the formation of varved sediments within the anoxic deeper waters of the basin. The data are being collected at a time series station located at 10o 30' N and 64° 40' W on a monthly basis aboard R/V Hermano Ginés".
The project started on November
1995 and is currently funded through 2001. 1) Type of observational data: Every
month, core measurements are made where we record continuous profiles of
temperature, salinity, oxygen, beam attenuation coefficients, and fluorescence
using a CTD. We also take discrete samples for chlorophyll, particle
absorption, phytoplankton taxonomy, HPLC pigment, dissolved organic carbon
(DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), pH, alkalinity, bacteria, discrete
oxygen and salinity, and nutrients. The University of
The USC component is responsible of the sediment trap recovery/redeployment cruises using in May and November of each year. Traps are deployed at four depths, and each trap integrate flux over 13 consecutive two-week periods. The SUNY component measures bacteria! numbers, bacteria! production, bacterial respiration (as acetate uptake) and :chemosynthesis throughout the oxic and anoxic zones of the water column.We also make a series of bio-optical measurements.
These include measurement of spectral particulate
absorption coefficients (detrital and phytoplankton pigment), spectra!
measurements of colored DOC 3bsorption coefficients, MICROTOPS atmospheric
optical! depth at SeaWiFS bands, sky and sea-state photographs, subsurface
reflectance using a submersible PRR-600 unit (SeaWiFS bands) from Biospherical
nc and hyperspectral surface reflectance using a Spectrascan hand-held scanner.
Meteorological data (winds) and tidal! excursions are measured at
We have used sediment trap and bacterial measurements
to evaluate the extent to which Water column regeneration rates of POC in this
anoxic basin compared with those observed in the open )ocean. Nith the
bio-optical data, we have also established the infrastructure to validate
satellite data products from space, with support from NASA and CONICIT.3) The
spatial and temporal scales: We have obtained monthly data from dedicated
cruises since November 1995, allowing us to assess the short term and seasonal
changes in the various parameters listed above. We also sampled through the
1998-1999 ENSO episode, and are now assessing the effect on local vertical
fiuxes in the southeastern
The application of data products: CARIACO will help to interpret large-scale patterns observed along the continental margin near CARIACO. It will help link the detailed sediment flux, phytoplankton biomass, and primary production observations obtained at the CARIACO station with bio-optical measurements supported by NASA's SIMBIOS project.
Through this effort, CARIACO will help assess the role of continental margins in the global oceanic carbon budget.SIMBIOS is the SeaWiFS calibration and validation project managed from the Goddard Space Flight Center.
SIMBIOS has also provided the opportunit y to
conduct two cruises per year to the nearby |
Priority Topics: 2 - Assess and predict impact of environmental change on coastal ecosystems |
Scientific Themes: 4 - Biogeochemical Cycles in Coastal and Shelf Waters |