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NOWPAP Activites (Oct. - Nov. 2010)

  • Posted by jchoi
  • Published: 03-Dec-2010

YSP logo was finalised.

12th NOWPAP IGM held in Xiamen

YSLME Small Grants Programme 2008

UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Programme Small Grants Programme 2008 * Posted by wooyeol08 * Published: 2008-02-19 * Read More…

Join us to celebrate World Ocean Day for the Yellow Sea by participating in our Painting Competition !!

Every year, on the June 8th, organizations and individuals from around the world come together to celebrate our world ocean, reflect on the ocean’s importance in our lives, and take time to do something good for our blue planet. Close to you, the UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Project is working with the governments of China and R. Korea to protect the marine life, coasts and sea of the Yellow Sea for now and future generations.

Digital Photographic competition 2008 to celebrate World Ocean Day

Digital photo competition to celebrate the World Ocean Day with our message “You can make a difference to the Yellow Sea”

Ocean affairs fellowship programme

The Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea(DOALOS) of the Office of Legal Affairs, is now accepting applications for the 2009-2010 session of the United Nations - The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme. Deadline : 15th August.

Yellow Sea-World Ocean Day Drawing Competition Winners

The UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Project congratulates all the winners of the Yellow Sea Student Painting Competition. The competition was held to commemorate World Ocean Day and to remind all of us that we can make a difference to protect our seas and marine life.

Yellow Sea-World Ocean Day Photo Competition Winners

We have received very interesting entries for the Yellow Sea Photo Competition of this year, dealing issues from the oil pollution disaster in Taean, Republic of Korea; the people enjoying the sea to excellent snapshots of the wildlife in the Yellow Sea. Big congratulations to all those who participated in the competitions.

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