PERSGA's Public awareness, participation and outreach activities are designed to assist the implementation of all PERSGA programmes and activities by ensuring a participative approach. These activities have been instrumental in developing environmental consciousness, encouraging local ownership of initiatives (primarily through the Community Participation Projects programme), and in promoting environmental education.They have also played a key role in raising the profile of PERSGA at regional and international levels. PERSGA has produced a variety of materials and publications to help communicate its conservation activities and help encourage public appreciation for the Region's rich marine and coastal resources.
Al-Sanbouk Newsletter
Al Sanbouk is the name given to
wooden vessels powered by sail and engine that have taken goods to and from most ports in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden for hundreds of years.Just as these boats transferred goods across borders, the Al-Sanbouk Newsletter seeks to transfer environmental and conservation knowledge amongst Member States and to the public at large.
PERSGA ,on regular basis,produces brochures, printed in Arabic, English and French, and several other materials providing information on the Organization, the Jeddah Convention, and PERSGA’s activities. Posters are prepared with informative and conservation messages.
In 2003, UNDP assisted with the preparation of three topical video films for the region, and the film ‘Red Alert’ has been internationally broadcast.
To facilitate the PAP board’s activities and information exchange, PERSGA has helped set up five national public Environmental Information Centres in the region. Equipment has been provided for centres in Djibouti, NE and NW Somalia, Yemen and Sudan, and are used regularly by the PAP Board members
Raising PERSGA’s Profile:
PERSGA visibility has improved substantially with its admittance as an observer at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, August 2002) and the presentation of a side event during the 4th PrepCom meeting in Bali-Indonesia.: In Bali, a side event for PERSGA Councel, was conducted; the council endorced the document and insisted that PERSGA should effectively particpate in the WSSD; PERSGA got the UN observation st atatus to particpate in the WSSD. It was recognised as one of the international NGO’s. it is the same staus of all UN organisations; our particpation in the WSSD put PERSGA on the international map of the organisations working on the conservation of marine and coastal issues.