Provision of environmental sampling Equipment for PCDD/Fs analysis
Contract notice published on PERSGA website on April 20th 2010.
Tenders can be submitted in English or in Arabic.
Questions should be addressed to: Dr. Mohammad Badran, Director, Projects' Management, Scientific Research and Development, Regional Organization for Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden “PERSGA”, E-mail:, Tel: +9662 6573224 ext. 204 Fax: 9662 6521901 PO Box: 53662 Jeddah 21583, Saudi Arabia.
Sustainable management of the resources of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden called for a collective regional approach, which culminated in the establishment of the Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA). PERSGA has fostered a spirit of international cooperation and exchange of knowledge among governments, research institutions and civil societies in the region. The capacity of regional institutions has been enhanced and mechanisms are now in place for the collection and integration of regional data on the status of the environment. Regional action plans have been developed and integrated into the national sustainable development plans of the PERSGA member states.
PERSGA aims to extend its expertise and existing cooperation and collaboration experiences in the field of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has approved a project to promote strategies to reduce unintentional production of POPs in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA) coastal zone.
Four PERSGA countries (Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Yemen) are currently participating in the project with the primary aim to reduce and/or eliminate the unintentional production of POPs (UP-POPs) in key sectors of industry (cement, incineration, metallurgy and pulp and paper) recognized as important source categories in Annex C of Article 5 of the Stockholm Convention through the introduction of Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices (BAT/BEP) strategies in the industrial sector of the coast of PERSGA. By achieving this goal, the project will permit PERSGA member countries attain compliance with their obligations under the Stockholm Convention on POPs, particularly those related to the industrial sector releases of UP-POPs. The project will further contribute to the improvement of human health and environmental conditions in the coastal zone as the project is linked to national sustainable development plans of the participating countries.
As part of the project different environmental samples will be collected and analysed for Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF), and presumably for Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) (CAS No: 118-74-1) and Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). In each of the four participating countries two UP-POPs sources will be identified, where UP-POPs releases should be assessed before and after the implementation of BAT/BEP. Approximately 150 samples will be taken and analysed during 2010 - 2011.
Collected samples will be analysed at internationally accredited laboratories.
Framework agreements and tasks
Tenders will comprise framework agreements with the supplier(s). The agreements for supplying the sampling equipment are valid from the date of signing and expire on 31 December 2010, after which they may be terminated without notice.
Information on the subject of the tender
The information provided below describes the scope of this tender. The conditions that must be fulfilled in order to be short-listed in reviewing the tenders are also shown:
Subject of the Tender:
Providing ambient air and stack emission sampling equipment for PCDD/Fs analysis in environmental samples.
Deadline for submission of Tenders:
June 10th 2010, 16.00 hr local time of the country of the Tendering Company is the tenders’ submission deadline. No tenders may be accepted, altered or withdrawn after this deadline.
Location and procedure for submission of Tenders:
Tenders may be submitted by mail or in person to Dr. Mohammad Badran, Director, Projects' Management, Scientific Research and Development. Or to Mr. Najm el Dien Awad, Procurement and Contracts Officer, Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, PO Box: 53662 Jeddah 21583, Saudi Arabia. Tel No: +9662 6573224 ext. 204 or 222, Fax: 9662 6521901
Requirements to be met by the Competitor
Requested items and technical specifications:
Tenders must include the technical and financial offer for the following sampling equipment:
Ambient air sampling equipment for PCDD/Fs
Ambient air sampling equipment for PCDD/Fs compliance with USEPA method: T09a. EPA/625/R-96/010b.
Please offer prices per 1 full unit and indicate your discount with increasing number of units if applicable. Indicate prices of suggested accessories separately.
Technical Specifications
Stack emission/ flow gases sampling equipment capable of sampling of point sources
PCCD/Fs Stack Emission Sampling Equipment wet or Dry, compatible with EPA Method 23.
Quantity 1-5 complete systems. Offer prices should be given per 1 complete system; indicating discount for increasing number of systems if applicable. Prices of suggested accessories should also be included separately.
Technical Specifications of wet isokinetic sampling system
A complete system including:
Technical Specifications of dry isokinetic sampling system (dilution method)
A complete system including:
The quotations should include the cost of shipment of the sampling equipment to the addresses that will be provided in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan or Yemen. Installation and operation of at least one ambient air and one stack emission sampling systems in one of these countries should be included.
Tenders, including annexes and all supporting documents, must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing only:
(i) name and address of the Contracting organization:
The Regional Organization for Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden “PERSGA”,
PO Box: 53662, Jeddah 21583, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(ii) title and reference code of the Tender (Price Quotation for Provision of PCDD/Fs sampling equipment from environmental matrices ID: POPs April 20th10);
(iii) name and address of the Tendering Company.
(i) covering letter, signed by the Tendering Company or an authorised agent that contains:
name and address of the Tendering Company;
details of the bank account;
name and position of Tendering Signatory;
name and position of Tendering Contact Person;
a short description of the activities of the Tendering Company containing a statement of intention to participate in the present tender
(ii) a copy of the registration certificate;
(iii) a statement certifying that the Tendering Company:
has not been the subject of a conviction by final judgement for participation in a criminal organisation, corruption, fraud, money laundering; is not bankrupt or is not being wound up, their affairs are not being administered by the court, has not entered into an arrangement with creditors, has not suspended business activities or is not in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations; is not the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, is not under an order of compulsory winding up or administration by the court; has not been convicted by a judgement which has the force of res judicata in accordance with the legal provisions of the country of any offence concerning his professional conduct; has not been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authorities can demonstrate; has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with those of the country of the contracting authority; has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established or with those of the country of the contracting authority; is not guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required under criteria for qualitative selection and has supplied such information.
(iv) Technical and financial offer that includes:
a short explanation on the PCDD/Fs, sampling equipment presented; practical experience in providing, operating and maintaining sampling equipment for different environmental matrices, specifically stack emissions/flow gases;
a price quotation for the sampling equipment and their shipment to the specified PERSGA Member Stets;
a copy of the accreditation certificate which certifies that the Tendering Company is accredited for PCDD/Fs sampling in environmental matrices;
(v) letter of authority – if the Tender documentation is signed by an authorized agent;
(vi) a valid registration certificate issued by the Register of Enterprises (RE) or a competent National Authority in the state where the Tendering supplier is registered. This should certify that the Tendering supplier has not been declared insolvent, is not in the process of liquidation, or the Tendering supplier economic activity has not been suspended or terminated;
(vii) a valid certificate issued by the State Revenue Service or other tax administration institution in the state where the Tendering supplier is registered. This should certify that the Tendering supplier does not have tax debts or debts with respect to mandatory payments of State social insurance.
Tenders must be presented in US $. Tendering supplier may include discount values in their Tenders. The overall discount value should be clearly indicated as a percentage of the gross cost.
Tenders will be evaluated based on the technical specifications and the price. PERSGA retains the right to select different items from different offers, select complete or parts of a successful offer or refrain from selecting any offer.
Tenders should be valid for a period of three months from the submission deadline.
Payments for goods and services provided successfully in due time shall be made in full within 45 (forty five) calendar days from the date on which an Admissible Payment Request (Invoice) and the Original Report(s) are received by PERSGA.
In the case of delays in performance of the services, the Service Provider shall pay to the contracting authority a contractual penalty at the rate of 0.5 (zero point five percent) per day of the value of the total price of delayed services.